ch. 9

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Newt waited for Thomas to leave the room before he whispered to Kim.

"You don't want him to do it that."

"What?" She turned to him with a confused face.

"You don't want him to do that," he repeated, this time more stern, knowing it was time-sensitive.

"I don't understand. Do wha-"

"You've seen his arms, yes?"

"Of course.."

"He's going to the bathroom."

"He's been clean. He told me himself. He just woke up so he's probably just going to-"

"After that?" Newt almost screamed, pointing to his bed and referring to his episode.
"Look." He stepped close to Kimber. "He lied, okay. Whatever he saw, o-o-or whatever he dreamed of, it messed him up. He just woke up, you're right. He's not thinking clearly, at all. H-He's going t-to.."

Kimber ran out of the room and banged on the door of the restroom.

Newt pushed a hand through his hair and took a deep breath.

He had no business with this family.
He had no business interfering.

He paced the room.

He knew he should leave.
But he didn't want to.

Who do you think you are? Newt asked himself.
They were nice enough to let you in, but you came at the wrong time. You're only going to bother them, they obviously have bigger things to deal with.

But I want to help him.
He scratched nervously at his head. "Shut up."
He needs help and I want to give it to him. I will give it to him, I promise I'll-

You'll kill him.
Just. Like. You. Killed. Lizzy.

Newt searched Thomas' room for a pen and paper.

The room was so bare, you'd think it'd be easy to find one. But instead it was only easy to see there was none.

Newt cursed under his breath and went back to the living room to grab his things. A part of him felt it was cruel to leave them in such a situation. Kim was still pounding on the bathroom door.

You'll kill him, Newt reminded himself, and he walked out the door, closing it behind him.

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