ch. 20

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"Get that blush off your pretty little face, Tommy," Newt laughed as they walked side by side without any actual physical contact, which bothered Thomas deeply.

"I can't," he pouted and huffed in a hushed mutter, which looked absolutely adorable to Newt who fought every urge in him to not touch the boy he just...well, had a nice time with, to say the least.

"What if she thinks something's fishy," the brunette continued to freak out. "Do I smell like.."

"Love, you're fine. We showered, remember that?"

The tint on his cheeks grew brighter and spread to his ears while he nodded down hard. Newt smiled softly and stuffed his hands into his pockets, "She'll only notice if you keep on acting like this, okay? Trust me, you're fine."

Thomas nodded again as they neared the front door. "Okay, Newt. Thanks."

"No problem, Love...or do I have to call you Tomm-"

"BOYS!" The door flew open and out came Kimber with open arms. They both hugged back, rather awkwardly, but smiled at her politely, or at least Newt did. "Come, I made dinner!"

They followed her in and realized they haven't even had a proper lunch.

"It's chicken alfredo," she beamed proudly and winked at them both.

The blonde chuckled, "Thank you, it smells great." He sat in front of the boy who still was burning red as he stared endlessly into his plate. A lot was on his mind, and she must've noticed too.

    "Hey buddy, you alright?" She reached over to touch his forehead with her hand. "Why are you so warm?"

    Thomas' eyes flashed up at her widely. "Y-Yeah, I-I...I-I'm"

    "I think he might've caught a cold.." Newt finished for him. 

    "..In summer?"

He saw Thomas wince in the corner of his eye and take a forkful of pasta into his mouth.

Don't think so little of me, Love.
"When I found him he was right by the lake with no sweater on. It was already night by the time, and it does get quite chilly here."

Aunt Kimber nodded. "That's true.."

"I mean, that's at least how I think he got it. But you don't have to worry because like I said, I took care of him." Newt smiled at her innocently and purely, but Thomas spat out his food and forced himself to cough like he was actually sick.

"I-I'm so sorry, excuse me, I'm gonna go get a water. The food is great Aunt Kim, thank you so much, I love it, I just- cough- Yeah, I've got a cold." He ran out of his chair and into the kitchen.

"Okay..." She looked with wide and amused eyes. "And thank you so much, Newt...for taking care of him."

"My pleasure."

Thomas came back in with a glass of water and set it on the table, sitting back down after. He cleared his throat and smiled as best he could, picking up another forkful and eating it.
Newt did the same.

"It tastes brilliant," he mumbled into a napkin, not forgetting his manners.

She scoffed and waved him off, "Oh stop it you, you and your brilliant's."

Newt laughed and Thomas hated him for it. How content and happy he was drove him up the wall, and how good he looked with a smile on only put him further. The boy was absolutely perfect, and he'd just...they'd just...yeah. Thomas' heart began to race again as he remembered every moment and how it felt being so close to the blonde. He could feel his skin burn hotter like it was happening all over again.

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