Chapter 39

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Everything was black. I was breathing, but I still couldn't move or see. I feel the slight pinch of a needle going into my skin and I could hear people around me shouting back and forth, but the only words I could make out were minor and stich.


Where is she? Where is she? Mackenzie said she'd be home by now. She won't answer my call or reply to my texts. Daniel. I call Daniel and he picks up immediately.

"Is Mackenzie home?" he asks.

"No, is she not with you?"

"No. She left."


"Long story, but I think Mackenzie's hurt. I heard a crash while I was in my Uber. I'm heading to the hospital right now. What car was Mackenzie driving?"

"My challenger. Why?"

"You need to head to the Hospital on West third street. Mackenzie's hurt."

"Shxt." I run and put on some pants before grabbing my keys and getting in my Yeti. I drove as fast I could somehow managing to not get pulled over. I get to the hospital and I see Daniel hunched over in his chair as I walk to the counter.

"Mackenzie Adrianna Paul?" I ask. The nurse at the counter types in her name.

"What relation do you have with her?"

"I'm her older brother." She types something else in before looking up at me.

"She's in surgery right now; in minor condition. You'll be able to see her soon, please sit in the waiting room." I run my hand through my hair as I walk over to Daniel. As I sit down he lifts his head up and there were tears streaming down his face.


"This is all my fault Logan." Daniel says quietly. His voice was hoarse and he was sniffing a lot.


"I...I'm dating...Stephanie." I froze. Oh shit...that probably did mess up Mackenzie.

"What?  Daniel, Stephanie is bad news."

"But she's changed! She's not what everyone is calling her. I know she's not."

"But you don't Daniel. Man, she really has you wrapped around her finger." I run my hand through my hair as I lower my head.

"Mackenzie told me everything she did." Daniel says after a moment of silence.

"Then why do you still love her?"

"I...I don't know. She's so much like Mackenzie...her laugh, her reminds me so much of Mackenzie."

"Then just date Mackenzie. You both obviously love each other."

"I don't think she does anymore."

"She does Daniel. She can't stop loving you."

"She told me she did, but I didn't believe her."

"Daniel, Mackenzie has been in love with you ever since the first day you guys met. You're like a best friend to her and she doesn't want to lose you because you two got into a relationship that didn't work out. It would break her. She doesn't like you having a girlfriend, but at the same time she's scared to date you. She doesn't want to lose you Daniel."

"Oh... I'm a dick aren't I?"

"Yes and No. Yes, because you have probably fxcked up Mackenzie's feelings and no because you didn't know that you were fxcking up her feelings."

Mackenzie PaulWhere stories live. Discover now