Chapter 12

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We had all gotten back to Logan and I's apartment. Corbyn and the rest of the guys were waiting in the lobby for Tessa, Daniel, and I. Daniel kept his distance for the rest of the time we were all together and he wouldn't talk. He'd join in on small conversations and make a joke or two, but other than that he was glued to his phone. I really felt bad for saying it was a date, but on the other hand I was excited that I was going on a date with Ivan. But how was I going to tell Logan and Jake? I guess I just won't tell them.

As we waited for Logan to come home all the guys, Tessa, and I decided to watch some Netflix. Daniel and Jack sat at one end of the couch while Tessa and Jonah sat at the other. Corbyn and I were on the floor wrapped in a blanket together. I was sat in between his legs leaning against his stomach. I knew Corbyn had a girlfriend, but he said it was okay. He only saw me as a friend and I saw him as the same. 

While we were watching Riverdale I heard a giggle from Tessa and Jonah's end of the couch. I turn my heard to see Tessa with her head leaned against Jonah's shoulder. Jonah really is a player. I shake my head. Corbyn gives me a questioning look and I tilt my head in Jonah and Tessa's direction. I hear Corbyn chuckle before turning back to the television. While we were watching Daniel's phone went off. He looked at the contact and smiles.

"Hey Aspen." It felt as though a small knife had just sliced off a piece of my heart.

"I'm hanging out with the boys and Mackenzie, Logan's sister."

"Don't worry, she's just a friend." You've done it Seavey. You've broken my heart.



"Bye, see you tomorrow." Why have none of the guys ever mentioned this Aspen girl before? Was she dating Daniel? I guess I didn't realize it, but a few tears where coming down my face. Corbyn wiped them away with his thumb and hugged me tightly. I smile at Corbyn before standing and going to my room. I climb in my bed and just sit there. I thought I had already made up my mind about Ivan, but hearing Daniel talk to another girl just made me feel. . .bad. Especially since I knew nothing about her.

I hear a light knock on the door, but I stay quiet. The door knob twists revealing Corbyn. He had a worried look on his face. He walks in making sure to close the door behind him.

"You okay, Mackenzie?"

"No, not really."

"What happened out there? Why'd you leave?"

"Who's Aspen?" Corbyn eyes widen a little and he mouths 'Oh'.

"That's uh, that's our manager's daughter. One of our... close friends."

"Is there something going on between her and Daniel?" I ask with a hint of jealousy in my voice.

"Definitely not! One he we don't really like her that much, 2 our manager would kill any of us who tried going near his daughter like that." I laugh at the way Corbyn said that "But why do you care? I thought you liked Ivan."

"I do! Like a lot, but just hearing Daniel talk to a girl, who I know nothing about just triggered something in my head and it actually hurt me." Corbyn sat beside me and rubbed my back. I leaned my head on his shoulder "I'm being petty aren't I?"

"Not at all. I kind of understand. If I had just met Christina and I heard her talking to a random guy I knew nothing about, I'd be pretty upset."

"Yea, but you and Christina have been dating for like 2 years."

"Well ask yourself this, who do want to be with now? Not later on, who do you want to love, kiss, hug, and spend your time with at this moment?"

"You can't just ask a girl that question!" I say putting my head in between my legs.

"Yes I can. And you can simply answer that question."

"Ivan or Daniel?" I thought for a moment. I haven't even gotten to know Daniel as much as I've gotten to know Ivan. He and the band are always doing interviews and stuff. I've gotten to talk to Ivan, get to know his personality, his likes and dislikes, his faults, his everything. 

"Ivan..." I finally say lifting my head.

"See that wasn't so hard now was it?" I glare at Corbyn. He lifts his hands surrendering "Okay sorry, not the right time."

"Ya think?" There was another knock at the door.

"Who is it?"


"Come on in." The door opens and Logan is standing there with a worried expression.

"Hey Mackenzie, what happened? None of the other guys seem to know what's wrong."

"Nothing. Me just being dumb and jumping to conclusions."

"Corbyn what happened?"

"If Kenzi won't tell she doesn't want you to know. I gotta follow the best friends code, sorry bro."


"It's nothing Logan! I'm just being petty about stuff."

"Okay. If you say it's nothing, it's nothing." Logan comes over and Corbyn moves out the way. Logan wraps me in a hug and kisses my forehead "But if it is something, please just tell me. I'm your big brother, I want to be there for you."

"I know Logey." Daniel comes in the room texting on his phone, and smiling.

"Hey guys, Aspen said we need to head back to the studio. We have rehearsals and another talk show later tonight."

"What about our actual manager, Mark? What did he say?" Corbyn said with a little anger residing in his tone.

"That we need to head back to do some stuff. Then Aspen texted me and told me everything we were going to do."

"Okay. Hey, Dani, what's this sudden interest in Aspen?"

"Corbyn-" I try to say.

"No, I want to know."

"That's none of your business. Am I snooping around in you and Christina's relationship? No. So stay out of mine." Just as Daniel said that he looked like he immediately regretted it "I-I ugh, Come on let's just go." Daniel said speedily walking out of my room.

"So there is something going on?"

"That's what it sounded like. . .I'm sorry Kenzi."

"It doesn't matter. I'm okay, at least Daniel is happy." Corbyn comes over and gives me a tight hug. He kisses my cheek before leaving with the rest of the guys. Logan and I sit in my room re-watching his vlogs for about an hour or two before he says we need to get ready.

"When do you want me to be ready?"

"Take all the time you need."

"Are you sure, that'll be like 2 hours."

"I'm sure. We saved our reservations for like 4 hours."

"Okay, cool."


Get ready guys the next chapter is just ground breaking. Get your butts ready because you are not ready for the next chapter coming out on Friday.

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