Chapter 19

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It was Ivan and I's 3 month anniversary. I wanted to do something for it. I decided to buy his favorite chipotle and stay over the night at the Team 10 house.

"Logan I'm headed out!"

"Where are you going?"

"Chipotle then Jake's house."

"Okay. I won't be here when you get back, I gotta go to the Thinning set. Ya bro's an actor!!"

"Okay. Have fun."

"Oh don't worry I will." I laugh as I grab my phone off the table.

"Bye Logey, Love you."

"Bye Mackenzie, love you too. Be careful. "

"I will." I close the door and order an uber. I get to chipotle and order a chicken burrito with black beans, fresh tomato salsa, sour cream, lettuce, cheese, and to top it off guacamole. For myself I get a chicken salad with ranch. I'm not much of a burrito person, even thought it is just a salad with a tortilla wrapped around it.

I get outside and order an uber. As I wait for it to come I call Jake.

"Hey sis."

"Hey Jakey. Where are you?"

"Um I'm in Venice with Tessa, Chance, and Anthony."

"Oh they didn't tell me about that."

"Yea, we'll be back tomorrow, don't worry."

"Okay. I hope you guys have fun."

"Oh don't worry we're having tons of fun. Especially Chance. I think he has a thing for Tessa."


"Bro! Shut up!!" I heard Chance's voice then laughing "Not true! Who are you talking to Jake?"


"Mackenzie, none of that is true! I definitely do not like Tessa like that."

"Mhm, yea sure Chance." A car pulls up and my phone buzzes signaling my Uber is here.

"I have to go. Love you, can you give Jake the phone?"

"Love you too Kenzi. Here's Jake."

"Sorry you have to go. Bye Mackenzie, I love you."

"Love you too Jakey, bye." I hop in my Uber and head over to Jake's house.

When I knock on the door it takes it while for them to answer. Once someone finally does its Kade. He looks at me and his eyes goes wide.

"K-Kenzie. What uh. . .What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to see my boyfriend, if you won't mind."

"I don't think that's a good idea, right now." I twist my face as Kade said that.

"He's my boyfriend and this is my brother's house. Now let me in." Kade moves out of the way holding his hands up. I quickly walk up the stairs excited to see Ivan. I get to his door and I hear a faint noise. I quickly open the door and my heart drops to the floor. Ivan was sitting in his gaming chair with a girl in his lap. The chipotle bag in my hand lands on the floor. They immediately stopped kissing once it hit the ground.

"M-Mac what are you doing here?"

"I thought I came here to surprise my boyfriend, but it looks like the joke is on me."

The girl quickly gets out of his lap "I'll be in the kitchen, babe." She pushes past me and quickly runs down the stairs. Ivan stands up and reaches for me, but I pull back.

Mackenzie PaulWhere stories live. Discover now