My lungs seize from the smoke, covering my mouth with my arm I continue to limp down the hallway to find Jungkook again, even if I die, I have to try and get him to stop before they kill him.

Pushing myself farther down the hallway my eyes widen when he snaps the neck of a regular scientist, now he's on a complete rampage, willing to kill anyone to get to the CEO.

I have to stop him..


Soon enough Jungkook finally catches the CEO before he can get to the stairs, I shove myself through the door to where they are as the flames follow me, my body aching from the amount of smoke inhalation.


He grabs the CEO by the throat and slams him against the wall, his voice still electronic and murderous.

"You killed her. Now I'll kill you and everyone else in this facility." can't be...

I push my way over to him, holding onto his shirt while tears stream down my cheeks.

"Jungkook stop this! I'm right here! I'm right here!!!"

He looks at me again and throws me across the room, my body slamming against the wall as I wince feeling my arm snap inside of itself.

Looking at Jungkook and the CEO, I see the man's face turn a deep shade of purple as his oxygen is snuffed from his throat, his legs slowly stop moving as the life leaves his terrified eyes.

Jungkook let's go of him, his body sinking to the floor in a pile, then he turns around, turning his attention on me as I sit up.

"Leave no one alive. Exterminate."

My eyes widen in fear, he's so far gone he can't even recognize me now, his feet slowly start to move towards me as my heart clutches in my chest.

I know what I have to do.

Standing up slowly I wait for Jungkook to come to me, he slowly wraps his hand around my neck and lifts me up like the CEO, his grip is so tight he could crush my trachea right there.

Slowly working my hand over to his neck, I pull the small tool out of my pocket and stick it into his arm, his face twists in anger as he drops me, but I swing my body around so I hold onto him tightly, my face right at the back of his neck.

He moves around trying to buck me off like a bull, I use the tool to open up the panel I opened before when he needed to charge, my heart tightening hard in my chest as I know what I'm about to do.

Swallowing hard and holding on for dear life, I look around frantically and see the familiar red button lodged behind all the different wires.

My lip quivers as I press it, Jungkook instantly freezing and drops to the floor, his eyes still red.

"Shutdown mode activated. Self destruct in: two minutes."

Falling to the ground beside him I wince again as he lifts himself up with his hands and looks at me, his eyes flickering back to blue.


Tears begin to streak down my cheeks as I crawl over to him, he falls on his back and I look down at him.


He looks over at me, his voice filled with both sadness and relief as he places his hand on my cheek.

"Thank you..."

Shaking my head my lip begins to quiver as I place my hand on his.

"N-No....I can change this...we can leave together..."

He shakes his head softly and smiles, running his thumb across my cheek with a chuckle.

"There's no going back...I hurt all those people...and I hurt you....this is the only end for me.."

Looking down at his arm I see the time dwindling, I start to bawl as I press my head into his chest, he pulls me into a tight hug.

" need to get out of"

Shaking my head I hiccup and hold onto him tightly.

"No! I can't live without you Jungkook!"

He pushes me away softly and looks at me, his voice soft and tender.

"I'll always be your Kookie."

He reaches inside his chest and pulls something out, placing the object in my hand as his expression changes to sadness.

"Take me to the ocean beautiful.."

The countdown gets to thirty seconds as the flames crawl into the room , slowly pulling up the walls threatening to comsume us both.

Leaning down, I place a soft kiss on his lips, knowing this us the last time I'll ever see him, standing up I offer him a soft smile, tears still falling, I see the necklace I gave him for his birthday and I place his hand around the charm. love...

"I'll always be your Emily..I love you Kookie.."

"I love you too go...go.."

Turning and running out of the room, I make my way out the door and up the stairs, coming to another long hallway with a window at the end of it.


Running as fast as my tired legs will take me, I run straight at the widow, not caring about how high it is.

Pulling the object close to me, I put my body shoulder first as I slam into the window, the glass shattering all around me.

I feel the sun on my skin, the air blowing softly as if I'm flying like a bird, the moment doesn't last long before I hit hard ground, rolling and hitting about every rock in existence.

When I finally stop rolling, I have enough time to sit up before I see the entire bottom of the building explode, each floor slowly falling into another like dominos as they fall, all being comsumed in flames and dust.

Everyone is gone...

With my jaw shivering I try my best to pick myself up, but my body refuses as my vision darkens, falling back onto the soft grass I black out completely, keeping the object clutched close to me.



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