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***Alright, apparently the last chapter was too much of a cliffy so I'm here to rectify it and satisfy the demands of the masses. (Gives a special glare to Savyss and je11ybean262 and anon2404 because I know you three led the charge for this) Either way, it's short but you can't call cliffy now. (Laughs evilly) Happy Reading and Enjoy!***

I woke up to the smell of citrus and ginger in Sean's bed at half past ten in the morning and the first thing I noticed, other than the debilitating pain I was in, was the utter silence in the house. There was usually the sound of voices and footsteps, laughter and conversation, as well as the typical sounds of a house-creaking floorboards and squeaking hinges-but this morning, there was nothing. It was if the house itself had gone into silent mourning in honor of the horrors that had transpired the night before. Game night had gone terribly wrong and though I was rather put out at the agony that wracked my body thanks to the actions of the boys, I still worried. 

I'd passed out in Sean's arms, so I was clueless in regards to the aftermath of the night and since I was currently alone, I couldn't curb my curiosity. I didn't want to get out of the comfortable cloud like bed and to be honest, I wasn't even sure if I physically could manage the feat, but I had to try. I needed to know what had happened to my boys-the boys. Not mine, the.

Luke could be dead and Victor hadn't been looking too hot when Nathan had dragged him into the house. North had probably beaten Kota to death in vengeance for shooting Luke, even though the bullet was rather warranted, but I was sure that Kota had gone down swinging which meant North's health was in question. I may have officially maimed Gabriel's leg by stabbing him twice within a week and there was always the possibility that I'd forever ruined Owen's chances for procreating-though that last one might actually be a good thing. Baby Crazy Owens running around sounded like the worst type of nightmare, even worse than the one I was currently living.

It took almost ten minutes for me to get my body to work well enough to get me to my feet and even then, I fell to the floor twice which only made it worse with trying to stand. I found an old, tall umbrella in Sean's closet and used it as a makeshift cane since my leg wasn't working all that well, and hobbled my way to the bedroom door. I didn't know where any of the guys were or why no one was watching me but I had a horrible feeling that it was because there were worse things they were worried about than keeping an eye on me. Someone was dead or dying, I just knew it. 

After dragging my bum leg behind me and leaning heavily against the umbrella and the wall, I finally made it out of Sean's bedroom and down the hall. I was currently standing at the top of the stairs, sweating and inwardly discussing the best course of action to take to get myself down the steps without breaking my neck. I could come back from a lot of things, the numerous near death experiences of last night were a testament to that fact, but a broken neck would be a tall order. 

My legs were already shaking and my chest ached with each inhale, my throat and neck screaming in pain from the simple feeling of air rushing through my windpipe, and I didn't even have to test my vocal cords to know that I wouldn't be able to use them. Hopefully, they weren't forever ruined, or at least, more ruined than they already were from the lemon and vinegar I swallowed for years-thank you, Mother. Maybe I'd be able to talk again, maybe not, but I had bigger things to deal with at the moment. Like how the hell to get down these stairs when I was already feeling light headed. I needed to sit down.

The air shifted behind me, bringing the salty scent of the ocean with it, and I saw the slightest shadow fill the corner of my vision, making me squeak in surprise at the sudden, silent appearance of someone behind me, but my croak only resulted in absolute torture as I coughed hoarsely, my throat protesting violently. Silas stepped up beside me, his soulful eyes filled with sadness and worry as he touched my elbow as if to ask if I was alright and I twitched my head in reassurance as I hacked up half my lung. I opened my mouth but then closed it, knowing I shouldn't talk and he studied me a moment before taking the now bent umbrella from my grasp, his hands reaching out as if to help me. His silent offer was followed by the smallest of nods from me and it was all he needed before he was slipping his arms under my knees and around my shoulders and lifting me until I rested against his body, cradled to his chest like a child. 

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