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I was tied to Victor's bed for three days, and no, it was no where near as fun as that sounds.

The first day, Victor stopped by only three times. He unshackled me and led to me to the bathroom in the hall before reinstating my connection with his bedframe. He brought a tray of food-breakfast, lunch, and dinner-and watched me eat it before taking it away and not returning till the next meal. I spent the day bored out of my freaking mind as I attempted to escape the handcuffs with no success. I had nightmares again that night.

Day two, was similar though Victor, thankfully, stayed in the room more. He worked at his desk on several electronic devices and ignored my questions, insults, and my later pleads for release. Not having anyone to talk to wasn't new to me but being strapped to a bed with nothing to do was. Once again, I spent the day wishing that he would at least torture me or something. Anything was better than this monotony.

Numerous times, I would hear voices in the hallway and I recognized Gabriel and Luke's voices in several instances. Other times, the tones were too hushed to know who Victor was talking to. He would feed me, take me to the bathroom, and then leash me. Apparently, staying with Victor turned me into an animal same as staying with Owen would have. I guess getting a bed instead of a kennel was a step up so I tried not to piss Victor off on the chance he got annoyed and gave me to Owen.

On the third day, Victor spoke to me. He was bent over his dragon desk fiddling with a cell phone while I studiously ignored him as I counted, for the hundredth time, how many bricks made up the fireplace. One hundred fifty two, just like the last time I counted. God, at this rate I would want them to kill me. Or better yet, give me my razor and I'd kill myself. Maybe that was their plan and I had half a mind to go along with it. I was so bored!

"Your boyfriend is annoying." Victor's voice sounded loud to my ears after so many hours of silence and I almost jumped out of my skin at the sudden sound.

I would have ignored him out of spite but his statement made no sense. "What boyfriend?" I asked, turning my neck in his direction.

He swiveled around in his chair holding up an iPhone with a pink case and my eyes widened. He was snooping in my phone, the bastard! "The boyfriend who keeps texting you and asking where you are. He's quite persistent."

I held up my free hand and lifted my pointer finger. "One, what the hell are you doing with my phone? Two, do you realize how invasive that is to my privacy? And three, I don't have a boyfriend so it's probably a wrong number." I growled the list, glaring at him hotly but my irritation only made him smirk at me.

"One," he copied my finger counting, "I took your phone when you passed out in my car. Two, you're really going to complain about privacy as you lay tied to my bed in a pair of borrowed purple scrubs with nothing underneath after being held hostage for three days by a group of nine madmen? And three, I don't think it's a wrong number because it's programmed into your phone."

I narrowed my eyes as I held up my fingers again. "One, I didn't pass out in your car. You and your nerdy boyfriend drugged me! Two, you're right, privacy is pretty low on the importance meter at this point. And three," I hesitated. Do I admit that I have no idea who he is talking about and am curious or play it off as unimportant? "I seriously don't know what you're talking about. Who is it?"

Victor rolled his eyes and grumbled out, "Kota's not my boyfriend."

"Really?" I groaned as I collapsed onto the mattress and stared at the ceiling. "That's the only thing you took away from this conversation?"

He merely shrugged, scrolling through my phone some more. "Well, this guy sounds like a jealous boyfriend, that's all. He's asking where you are and why you haven't been home? Control freak much?"

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