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***Many thanks to KatyDid for the cover she made for me! I love it! :) Also, I need to do a shout out to Ancestralgirl for finding this song-Monsters by Ruelle. Pretty fitting, don't you think? We have a rather bloody chapter coming up that gets a bit...messy. Just a warning. Happy New Year!*** 

The screams echoed through the hallway, reverberating off the cement walls as Nathan led me through the labyrinth with my hand in his much larger, calloused one. As we neared that familiar door to Kota's lab, the agonized cries rang louder and I knew we'd arrived at our desired destination. Nathan paused with his hand on the keypad and glanced at me from the corner of his eyes, making me sigh impatiently and stare down at my feet. Nine beeps sounded before the door clicked open and we entered the room. 

The room felt full as I took in everyone that was present. Owen stood near the wall with his arms crossed over his chest, dressed in a dark grey suit with a dark tie that had maroon violins decorating the front, and the look on his face was stern, serious. It was the terrifyingly controlled mask that I had come to associate with him, though his steel eyes were sharp as metal with barely veiled anger. Silas and Sean stood near the counter, Sean leaning back against said counter with his legs crossed at the ankles. He was alternating picking at his cuticles and taking nervous glances in Silas's direction, every once in a while, giving the tall Greek a reassure pat on the shoulder. Silas looked simply murderous with his hulking form strung taught  and his jaw clenching and releasing. The fists at this sides were squeezed so tightly, his normally darker skin was white at the knuckles as his dark eyes glared hotly at the shrieking figure in the center of the room.  

Baldy sat in a sturdy looking chair, his feet and wrists secured to the arms and legs with leather straps, and I could tell from the sweat shining off his bald head and the suffering written all over his face that he was in pain. He was in the same slacks as last night but they'd removed his shirt, leaving him in a dirty white wife beater that was stained with sweat and speckles of blood. His lips was split but that looked like his only injury, though Kota was currently kneeling before him doing something to his hand that was currently causing him pain. 

Owen spared me a quick glance but otherwise ignored me and Silas didn't even look my way, keeping his furious gaze locked on Baldy's face. Sean gave me a nod, his cheery face for once looking quite somber, before he checked over Silas and then turned his attention back to Kota and his victim. No one spoke to me and I didn't say a word, moving with Nathan towards Silas and Sean.

"I'll ask you again, Mr. Hendricks." Owen spoke evenly, his voice cold and dead. "Where are the bodies?" 

Baldy, or Hendricks, raised his eyes and glared at Owen, curling his lip in a painful sneer. "Fuck you, boy." He snarled, throwing his head back with a tormented groan as Kota's body jerked harshly. 

As I settled into a standing position next to Silas, I got a better look at Kota and saw him holding a pair of pliers in his hand. He dropped something into a tin tray the sat on the floor beside his thigh but I couldn't tell what it was since it was small and slicked with blood. Three of Hendricks's fingers were dripping blood onto the floor and as Kota returned the pliers to his hand, I watched in fascinated horror as he positioned them near the pointer finger. Lying next to the metal tin were several pieces of thin needle like metal, also tinged red, and I realized exactly what Kota was doing to him. 

"Where are the bodies?" Owen asked again and when he was met with seething silence he nodded at Kota who gripped Hendricks's pointer fingernail and pulled hard, tearing the nail from its bed. Hendricks cried out again as Kota dropped the nail into the tin with the others and picked up the small metal shiv from the floor. "Believe me when I say that you will tell us what we want to know." 

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