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***Wow, this chapter was hard to write. I knew where I wanted to go, but putting it into words seemed to take a while. Sorry I couldn't get it out sooner and I made it longer (nearly double) than normal to help make up. :) I should warn that there is some blood and violence in this chapter, though I hope it's not too graphic. Enjoy!***

Luke was still wiping his eyes and giggling as he assisted Gabriel to a standing position before hunching himself down to help support his weight. I shot him a wink and his chocolate eyes crinkled in merriment before sending me a slow one in return. He propped up Gabriel's injured side and helped him limp across the room towards the door.

Gabriel stopped in front of me, his irritation over my examination of Kota still evident on his face as he cupped my chin in his hand rather roughly. I gasped in surprise at the threatening action but remained still as he narrowed his eyes on me. "If I hear you did something stupid and got yourself killed, I will find a way to reanimate you before killing you myself. You got that, Trouble?" He growled, his fingers bruising my jaw, and I nodded stiffly. "And stop checking out my brothers, it's weird."

I raised my eyebrows at his order and scoffed, jerking my chin from his painful grasp. "I think you're just jealous it wasn't you." I quipped and a dark smile passed over his face that tightened my gut.

Grabbing the back of my neck, he yanked my head towards him as his mouth found my ear. "You think I didn't notice your eyes on me before dinner? Play innocent all you want but when I get you into my bed, I promise you'll be begging me for it."

His words made me inhale sharply and I angled my head to let my lips trace the shell of his ear as I breathed in the strong scent of spiced plum. "If you get me into your bed, I don't think I'll be the one begging."

Gabriel backed away a fraction of an inch, his normally bright blue eyes darkened by desire as he gave me a pantie dropping grin. "Not if, Trouble, when." He promised, his lips separated from mine by mere centimeters and, against my better judgement, I allowed a challenging smirk to split my face.

Without another word, he pulled away from me and stumbled out of the room with Luke under his arm for support. Luke gave me a finger wave and a cheery 'goodnight!' and Gabriel just winked before they disappeared into the dreary hallway and out of view leaving me with a wary Kota and a confused Nathan.

Kota cleared his throat, his pink cheeks losing their flush as he shared a look with Nathan. "Did you tell Victor?" He asked and Nathan nodded, plunging his hand into his pants' pocket and pulling out his phone.

He chuckled as he typed something out before refocusing on Kota. "He doesn't mind babysitting duty," Nathan said and I ground my teeth at the phrase making his smile widen, "but he's not home."

"What?" Kota retrieved his own phone from his slacks and punched furiously at the screen. "No one was scheduled to go out tonight." He mumbled almost to himself.

"Well, tonight didn't really go according to plan, now did it?" Nathan responded. "North was being pissy so Silas, Sean, and Vic took him out for a drink. They shouldn't be too late."

Kota pushed his glasses up his nose with his pointer finger, leveling his inquisitive stare on me. "What do we do with her till then?"

Nathan rolled his eyes. "Just keep her here with us for now." He suggested and Kota grimaced.

"Don't look so excited." I deadpanned in his direction and his mouth thinned into a line.

"I don't want her here." He continued to talk around me as if I wasn't even in the room and I frowned at being ignored.

Against my instincts, I pushed off the gurney I'd been leaning against and sauntered towards Kota. I felt Nathan behind me, shadowing my every step, but he made no move to stop me. I stepped right up to Kota, purposefully invading his personal space and I expected him to back away to create space between us. Instead, he stood firm allowing me to step almost chest to chest with him, though I had to crane my neck to see his eyes. He knew what I was doing and he wasn't giving in.

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