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***Man, these boys are getting feisty. To be honest, it took a bit of a darker turn than I expected so hopefully you all will forgive me (and the boys) for it. For your reading pleasure, I present: Game Night Part 3!***

I was cold, I was wet, and I was angry. 

The wall of greenery loomed before me, mocking me with its silence, as the rain pitter-pattered over my head and soaked me through to my black socks. My sneakers squished with every step, I could barely see from the waterfall pouring down my face, and I'd found yet another dead end. I still tasted the bitter copper of Nathan's blood on my tongue and the skin around my throat was chafed and sore from Victor's wire. All in all, I wasn't a happy camper.

I'd left Sean, being cautious with my steps since he'd warned me of Silas's possible proximity, but at least ten minutes had passed and I still hadn't found anyone. The hairs on the back of my neck tingled and stood on end, cluing me in that I was still being followed, but whoever it was wasn't interested in making a move on me...yet. If I had to guess, it was most likely Luke since he seemed the type to flitter about and wreak havoc on everyone just for the fun of it instead of sticking with the intended agenda, and I secretly hoped I was right. Luke was a wildcard, of course, but he still seemed safer than any of the others at this point, save for Gabriel-though he'd instilled a certain amount of doubt in my mind about our alliance before our game had started, so...

It happened quickly. One moment, I was retreating back to the last crossroads in the maze as I swiped the rain from my eyes and the next, something shiny was careening towards my body at high velocity. I was barely able to dodge the hit and, according the ripping sound and the sudden draft I felt over my mid section, I apparently hadn't been fast enough. My shirt was split almost perfectly in half by a vertical cut that started just under my collarbones and I spared the minutest of moments thanking whatever god might exist that the blade hadn't cut through my bra or else our game would have taken a rather naked turn. 

I faced off with my newest assailant and I almost rolled my eyes at the pure coincidence that it was Silas who had ruined my shirt to put my bra clad breasts on display. Who else would it have been, really? His dark eyes ran hungrily over my body and a sultry smile spread his full lips as he took in the adjustment he'd made to my outfit before his dark brow rose suggestively and he straightened his stance. I did my best to appear apathetic but his grin only widened so I wasn't doing as good of a job as I'd hoped. 

"Aggele Mou, it's good to see so much of you." He rumbled, his voice carrying over the sound of the rain rather easily and I fought the urge to cross my arms over my chest in modesty. 

 "Gabriel's going to kill you." I wagged my finger playfully and he shrugged, unconcerned.  

"Worth it." He quipped and I responded with an unladylike snort. Men!

"You missed." I scoffed, waving my hands in front of my bra, and he released a deep, sexy laugh at my words.

He swung his blade in his hand as he contemplated me before he leveled a pantie dropping smirk in my direction. "If I was wanting to get you out of your bra, I wouldn't need a knife to do it." 

"No, you'd need much more than a knife seeing as I'd cut your hands off before you even got done with the first clasp." I snapped, flicking my razor open and couching down into a defensive stance. 

If he was at all intimidated, he didn't show it and instead chuckled again. "I think you highly underestimate my proficiency in removing women's clothing."

"Why? Do you and North play dress up?" I smirked coyly as his chuckle turned into a loud guffaw. 

"Oh, Aggele, I think I'm gonna like keeping you around. You've got..." He furrowed his brow like he was searching for the correct word, "Balls." He finally decided though I could tell it wasn't exactly what he meant but I'd take it.

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