Chapter 50 The Sun's Gone Dim and the Sky's Turned Black

Start from the beginning

Miracle Adara Faris Albert, so that's her name. When I heard her name all I can say is that it suits her well. Adara. We gathered at one of the tables starting to eat our food. The only thing I can think of that time is to look at her face. Happiness was shown to her and a little bit amaze every time she gaze at us. I don't know if this is her first time seeing people but looking at her, it's like it is.

We start eating our food when suddenly all of us start to shake, feels like we're being choked. I was hurt that time, feels like something was killing me inside. Then I heard voices, they're panicking because of what happened. I was already on the floor when I force myself to see her for the last time.

After the party and food poisoning here I am still alive but there's a big difference now. I don't remember what happened at the party but that incident changed my life. I was running to my mom when suddenly I vanished and exactly pop in front of her. She wasn't shocked but the way she exchanged glances with Lowell and look at me then Helen, I know they knew something I don't. At first, I don't like the idea of having power, it sent chills to my bones like I'm a freak. Harriet explained everything to us. How and when did we get this kind of power but she warned us not to use in harm or kill people.

I understand now why Ada wasn't one of the victims rather she was the one who cured us. It was something inside her that Thaddeus wants badly. When I found out about it I promise myself that I would do anything just to protect her. But that does not seem to be easy when you find out that your father was the one who plotted the poisoning. I was really mad at him but I can't do anything when he started to blackmail me "You think I don't know Percival! That you're secretly meeting Harriet and her little family?! Don't try to make unnecessary things or else I will kill her!"

In that statement, I know he's not my father I knew for so long, or maybe I didn't know him that much. His greediness is getting people killed. Years had passed and he tries to live with normal life or maybe just tried to because sometimes I will hear him shout on his phone, and married to a woman who has already a son in her first husband, and her son is none other than Matthew Carrion. Thaddeus and he shared some anomalous point of view of something or anything they talked about, unlike the two, Matthew and I dislike each other. I don't like him because he's happy to go lucky and killing for him is just a matter of survival. Matthew became his right hand. What Thaddeus tells him to do, he will obey without questions, maybe that's also one of the reasons why I despise him. He also manages the syndicate group he's into but I know he's just preparing for the worst. I cannot keep a secret from Thaddeus, the moment he poisoned us the moment he knew something. He was sure that I wouldn't die from it. He started to train me. Martial arts, kunais, daggers, knives, chains, and different kinds of guns. He told me that I need to be prepared when the time comes that Ada and I will meet so that I can kill her easily.

I grew strong and independent but it doesn't change the fact that I will still protect Ada. For now, I'm just following my father's rule just to lure him, I can't fight him because he's still my biological father. Until one time we had this conversation.

"Gustavo is looking for those victims of poisoning, he will get you one by one. Be ready for that time. Fate is already making the move" he said creeping a sly. Thaddeus knows everything you don't know and that makes him dangerous.

Damn it. Two weeks after Thaddeus said that news, I was welcomed by a visitor. I was walking out of the campus when a black Mercedes Benz stop in front of me. Then a man from it come outside puffing his tobacco. He's wearing a formal suit. Just like Thaddeus, he possessed a dominant aura but this one is more dangerous. He's just looking but I know he's sending a warning already. He motioned the car and without hesitation, I get in. I didn't know him that much but if I'm going to choose who I'm gonna trust then I'm choosing him.

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