Chapter 29 Witches and the Strange Cat

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Dedicated JorginaGanigan
Soundtrack: Heathens by Twenty One Pilots

"In your dreams" Pierre scoffed.

"Game on then" Crate sneered and starts to dribble the ball.

We positioned ourselves to do the defense. And they tried to snatch the ball. Dimitri starts to stomp again on the ground and it starts to shake, because of the impact we suddenly run to the side. The damaged a while ago increases because of the rocks. In a swift move, Trivonne easily compiled the rocks and put them in front of them. Helen puts some daggers on it while Pierre releases some smoke. It looks like a big poisonous rock right now. Dimitri punch the rocks and it all swayed on us. As if on cue Crate grabs Daichi and they teleport to another place. I also grab Damon with me and start to float upwards. Damn. I consciously did float! I was never used to this power. Maybe because I'm not using it often. We float upward that we're already able to see the surroundings and vicinity. Damn. This is a scene.

Damon coughed beside. I turn to him and saw his face. I almost forget about him. "You seemed to enjoy this"

"Yeah. Look at the place it's almost perfect" he easily follows what I told him. He scans the area and chortles a bit.

"Then we must stay here" I chuckled coz of what he said.

"Have you seen the movie Twilight?" he said while looking downward. I don't know what's happening down there.

"Yeah. And you look like Vultures" he laughs and holds my waist tightly.

"What are you doing?" I almost push him because of it.

"You told me I look like one of the vultures, they're vampires right?" I just nod and manage to look in front. I don't know how am I doing this for a minute now. Floating like there's no game.

 "I hold you tight coz you might not remember that vampires cant fly"

I laugh hard because of what he said. Damn. I almost trip into him. I stop laughing and look at him but something caught my attention. A group of people is in front of us, I mean they're miles away from us. I just saw them because we're at the top. Seems like they're also looking at us. I poked Damon that's busy looking at the court.

"Hey! Look at those people" I pointed out those people and he seemed stiff because of it.

"Put us down Ada" he commanded but I didn't listen to him. I just stared at those people, one of them handed binoculars from another person and he just received it and put it in his eyes.

"Ada put us down. NOW!" I heard him say again but this time he shouted. I back to my senses because of what he said. Damn. I started to float downwards and we landed, we received so much comment from them.

"What took you so long?"

"What's that eerie dating?"

"They got the point," Daichi said while looking at me.

I can't understand what they're talking about coz my mind is still magnets on those people. Who are they this time? Are they looking for me? Someone poke me and I mentally turn to him.

"What happened?" Pierre said looking at me intently. I never bother to answer him.

"Let's proceed to the game" I answered and I heard him cuss.

"Forget about it, Ada. What you saw is nothing" Damon retorted and position himself to get the ball. How can I just forget about it when he almost held his breath because of what we saw? Damn.

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