"Oh. My. Freaking. God. Derek what the hell? One you scared me, and two I think I just broke my hand. Fuuuckkkkk!" Embry cradles her hand and yells.

"Why did you punch me?" Derek tilts his head like a puppy.

"You scared me, okay? It was on instinct," Embry rolls her eyes and walks inside. Derek follows behind her, "I don't think that was an invitation." She slams the door in his face and locks it.

Running upstairs, she finds a ace bandage in the bathroom. The hurt girl wraps her hand up and goes to find ice. Luckily there is a ice pack. Embry thanks whatever high power there is and rests the pack on her hand.


Embry just finished getting ready. It was kind of hard due to using one hand, and being visited by the creature again.

It sat on her bed, watching her get ready while she talked about nothing important. It did check out her wrist right when it got there. She just hit it's shoulder playfully and assured it that she was fine. It didn't talk, but she was sure it knew what she was saying.

She looks good even though getting distracted. She has on her favorite black bra and underwear set, high waisted maroon shorts, a black tank top, and Stiles jersey tucking in a bit in the front. She curled her hair and pulled it into a ponytail. She sighs, grabs her bag, which is now full of a sketchbook, pencils, an actual book, Lexapro, and a water bottle. Embry pulls on her shoes and walks out the door. Walking all the way across town and to the game.

Once there, Embry pulls her phone out and texts Lydia. Asking where she is sitting.

Lyds: Top Row. Left corner.

Em: Kay, b there in a sec.
Embry shuts her phone off and shoves it in her pocket. She quickly finds Allison and Lydia.

"Damn girl," Lydia smirks. Embry's face warms up, wondering if she went overboard, "You look better than me."

"Thank you, what's happening?"

"Scott just got a point," Allison answers, turning back to the game. Stiles sits on the bench by a few other guys. Embry feels bad. She knows he probably won't get to play.

Embry pulls out a pencil and her sketchbook and begins drawing. It's kinda hard because the hand she hurt is the one she uses to draw, but she ignores the pain. The picture is the creature. It sticks in the top corner of her room. Just watch her sleep.

"Hey," Allison elbows the smaller brunette, "Your boy is trying to get your attention." Embry looks down at the field. Stiles sends her a small wave. She returns one with a grin.

"What is this?" Allison takes the book from Embry's hands.

"I don't know. Just... Just something from my imagination," Embry lies. She doesn't want them to think she is crazy for seeing a giant lizard and becoming it's friend.

"Hey, can I keep this. I'm a bit of a nerd and it looks cool," Embry can tell Allison is lying, but allows her to.


The boys won the game, of course. Afterwards Allison pulls Scott behind the bleachers and shows him the drawing. Embry silently listens from behind a tree.

"Scott, you can't tell me that's not the kanima," Allison argues.

"I know it is, but it doesn't make sense. She doesn't know anything about this stuff," Scott runs a hand through his hair.

"You know how it says it looks for a master, well it said it also looks for a mate. What if its her?"

"No, no, no, she said she would tell me if somethings wrong. This is defiantly classified as wrong," Scott starts pacing.

"Scott..." Allison trails.

"If, that's a really big if, if it is her, I'm sure she wouldn't fall in love with it or anything," Scott shakes his head. Embry places a hand over her mouth. Kanima? Mate and master? What the hell is going on? Embry's hands start to shake. A panic attack. She takes off into the woods.


The creature slowly approaches her. Embry stumbles backwards.

"I... I know what you are. You're the kanima, whatever that means," Embry shakes, tears falling from her eyes. Embry backs into a tree, wincing a bit. The kanima tilts its head, crawling towards her hesitantly. It stands up straight and puts a hand on her cheek. Wiping a tear, careful not to cut her with his claws. The scales start receding, there are just a few left on the right side of its face. Jackson Whittemore stands in front of her, but he still has the glowing eyes.

"I'm sorry if I scared you," A terrifying voices falls from the boys mouth.

"What's going on?" Embry's voice shakes.

"I'll tell you whatever you want to know," The kanima takes a step forward.

Hello. Literally this sucks and no one is reading it, but it's fine. I'm fine. This is a long ass chapter tho. How annoying.
1378 words

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