Chapter -50- Our home sweet home

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Lucy's Pov

It was the middle of summer and I was sat in the wooden swing in the backyard of the house we had bought not too long ago.

It was beautiful and warm I closed my eyes to enjoy the warm summer air and the heat against my skin 

among the silence, I could hear the birds and the swing as it gently sways back and forth.I could hear giggling coming from the distance and it began to get louder and when I finally opened my eyes I was greeted with two beautiful smiles.

"mommy" they squealed in unison as they ran through the grass hand in hand with there huge smiles spread across there faces

"ahhhh" I giggled as they finally made it to the swing and jump into my arms each one snuggling into my side." how are you, two little troublemakers"

"ahh...mommy I'm not trouble," Grace said to me in a sassy tone as if she looked hurt which caused all of us to burst out into giggles.

Grace was far from a troublemaker,she was the most angelic child ever, she had turned 5 a few months ago and has started attending school making lots of friends.she had long wavy hair which she loves so much that she refuses to cut.she had such a bright and outgoing personality which she had gotten both from Ian and I.She loved to dance and play and she reminded me of myself when I was younger

"hmmm ..are you trouble?"I asked little Aiden who sat to my side as I went in to tickle him and he squealed with joy and laughter.

Aiden was three and he was a little charmer just like his daddy.he had a mop of lights brown curly hair on his head and stunning brown eyes.he was a perfect mix of me and Ian and he also looked a lot like grace apart from his eyes.the little overalls he was wearing were covered in mud as he loved to play outside with both his sister and our dog.

Grace and Aiden were so loving towards each other since the day he was born.He was her little sidekick and they were best friends.Grace was always there when he would cry or get hurt doing anything she could to cheer him up.she protected him as she was his big sister and he was her little brother.

"where's daddy?"Aiden asked reaching to the little table on the side to grab his juice bottle which he had left before he ran off to play with grace

"Daddy is here " Ian announced as he walked out of the house and looked excited as ever

"Daddy and Lilly" both of the Kids jumped off the swing and began to run to Ian and their little sister.

"I brought you the birthday girl" Ian tickled Lilly who he was carrying as he handed her over to me turning his attention to the two little ones who were trying to climb onto him

"Morning baby did you sleep well?"

Today was Lilly's birthday and she was finally turning two.I still remember the day she was born like it was was the little shy one out of all the kids but she had a huge heart.she had chubby cheeks and huge dimples. Her blue eyes were stunning and huge and she had the cutest giggles, laughing at anything her siblings did.

I snuggled Lilly tightly as she lay her head down on my chest still tired from her afternoon nap as I admired Ian.

He currently lay on the ground tackling two mud covered Kids.they were all laughing and giggling as they climbed on top of him and he started tickling them.god was he such an amazing father

The day I welcomed grace into the world I would have never expected this to be my I had three beautiful children and I was married to the love of my life who supported me I'm every single way possible.he was there with me through the ups and the down.he was there for me no matter what, till death do us part.

After spending the afternoon outside I managed to change all the kids into new clean clothes with the help of Ian of course as we prepared to celebrate Lilly's second birthday.

We invited most of our friends and family including our castmates as today was not only going to be Lilly's birthday but it was also going to be a reunion of sorts

The first to arrive was Troian of course as she wanted to help out in setting up for the party.she was accompanied by Keegan and her two little boys Oliver who was 4 and James who was 3.Troian found out she was pregnant the second time a week after I found out I was pregnant with Aiden.She was the first to give birth and I had little Aiden 3 weeks later as he decided he didn't want to come out.

Before we began celebrating Lilly's birthday I had to tell Ian something so when most of the guests had arrived and the Kid's were a playing  I lead him out of the main room to our bedroom where we could have some time to talk

"Ian...."the tears of joy began running down my face and I could see the slight panic in Ian's eyes but I knew everything would be okay

"Lucy what's wrong baby " he clasped my face between his hands as we looked deep into each others eyes

"I'm pregnant" the smile instantly spread on his face as he engulfed me in a tight hug and began to spin me around in joy

"Lucy that's amazing"

"Ian I'm scared" Ian instantly stopped and looked at me with concern. I wanted another child but something within me was scared to fall love with this new life.i looked down at my stomach and just thinking about the big responsibility of carrying another baby scared me

"Lucy please look at me.there is no reason to be scared baby.look at the beautiful children we have...everything will be okay"

"What if I lose this one too?" now the tears were streaming down my face and my body began to lightly shake.iam took my hand and led me over to a chair in the room where I sat down and he knelt in front of me and began whipping my tears

"Baby please don't think that are strong and you are beautiful and I know that this baby will be okay.what happened before was an accident and we couldn't have done wasn't your fault, it wasn't anyone's fault."

Ian placed his hands on my stomach as he pressed a light kiss on top of it.ian was right.we could t let the past hold us back.even though I would have done anything I could to change the past there was nothing g I could have wasn't my fault.the only thing I could do was take care of the little soul in me now.

"Daddy loves you little one, stay strong for mommy and me we can't wait to meet you" how lucky was I to have such a sweet partner by my side.he was so proud of his children and I was proud of him because I couldn't have asked for a better father.

"I love you " I whispered to Ian

"I love you lucy' he removed his hands from my stomach as his lips crashed into mine.we instantly began to move together and soon my hands were tangled in his hair.i loved him so much that there were no words I could use to express this feeling

"Ehem sorry to interrupt but everyone had arrived"my eyes instantly opened and I could see a blushed and embarrassed Troian standing by the door scratching her head shortly after she walked out

"We'll finish this later"I winked in Ian's direction as we both straightened out clothes our and walked out hand in hand never planning to let go.

no matter what life throws at you, you can make it work.You can go through the bad and good and you can make the most of it.I have Ian.I have grace.I have Aiden.I have little.I lave my little baby.I have everything I have ever wanted and for once in my life I'm happy.

********The End*******

thank you to every single person who has read and supported this story.the support was unreal and I never thought the story would come this far all thanks to all of you.I really appreciate you guys and it means a lot

this may be the end of Lucian- Catch me if I fall but I hope all of you will stay around for other stories I plan on writing.Currently, I am working on two Ezria fanfictions, Ezria - Terrible things and Ezria - Left Alone which I hope to begin uploading soon.

all of you are Amazing and I want to thank you once again for reading.

Thank you Torielanna

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