Untitled Part 25

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''Oh! Yeah! Let's play!'' I nod excitedly. Y/n laughs.

''That's cool with me.'' She says. Everyone else agrees, other than Jax, who just shrugs indifferently. Damian gets out a glass coke bottle and places it on the ground.

''Youngest goes first, so Raven, you spin.'' Jax says. I stick my tounge out at him, then spin the bottle. It goes round once, twice, almost three times before landing on Storm. Storm shrugs.

'' Damian, May i have permission to kiss your girlfriend?'' Storm asks. Damian shrugs.

''Well, she's most likely the only girl you'll ever kiss, Skittles. '' Damian smirks,commenting on his rainbow hair. I giggle.

''True- i'd rather kiss guys '' Storm says, then walks over and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek. I laugh. Storm grins, then he spins the bottle. It goes round three times till it slows and lands in between Jax and Shade, then slowly but surely edges to pointing at Jax. I look up at storm and giggle.

''Cheater.'' i say quietly. Storm looks to the side and winks at me, and i giggle again.

''Gay'' Shade yells.

''Excuse me. I'll have you know i'm Bi, not Gay.'' Jax says,huffing. (no joke, i'm actually quoting Jackson here-) .Storm chuckles.

'' there's literally only two people here that i know for sure are straight.'' Shade says.

''And we're both dating people who aren't so it doesn't really matter much.'' Damian says. I blush.

'' i'm- how did you find out-?"' i say, hiding my face.

'' Oh, it's nothin to be ashamed of lass. Embrace yer gayness.'' Jax says (and yet another Jackson quote-)

'' i'm - ....ok-. But i'm not gay- i'm bi-'' I giggle

'' Same!'' Jess ,Max, and Jaz say at the same time.

'' well, i'm just Gay-''Storm says. Peyton nods, agreeing with storm.

''Whatever just kiss already''Jaz says, pushing Jax. Jax laughs, and so does Storm, and the two kiss .

''Yaoi!'' Someone yells,coming in. i turn around and laugh.

''Lacy! You came,but i thought you were on vacation-?''

''It's not Yaoi-Yaoi is ani-' Jax says something but the last of it is blocked by Storm's hands on my ears.( i actually have friends that do this. Mainly Colby(storm) and Kara,who you guys already know is Jaz.)

y/n pov.

'' It's not Yaoi-Yaoi is animated Gay porn'' Jax says. Halfway through the sentence Storm covers Raven's ears.

''Not in front of the little one-'' Storm says, not removing his hands.

''I love how no one cares that i remain innocent.-'' i laugh.

'' you lost your innocence a while back. Raven here is a little angel that must be protected.'' Storm shrugs.

'' Well i mean, if you think about it, you're more mature than Raven is, by a long shot. You act more like a sixteen year old,while Raven acts about ten.'' Max says (sobs,because this is a real quote as well.i really am that immature.)

'' well, she takes after daddy, he's immature too.'' I say, laughing.

'' yes, but by no qualifications is he innocent.'' Damian says.

'' no, definitely not innocent.'' i laugh, shaking my head.

''Hey- whatever he said he's done talking now-'' Raven pouts. Storm nods and uncovers her ears.

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