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who would have thought that a "normal-ish" Friday night would turn into such a mess, I mean not just the fact that I lost my second fight but the fact that dirk is here, ugh, can my life get any more complicated.

you know how the say watch out with what you wish for, well it bit me in the ass because the moment I think that I just couldn't go any lower I hear him, my nightmare, the person i've being running from, the only person who has being able to scare me to death, the only person who makes me be scared to walk alone at night.

"hey love I saw you out there you got hit pretty hard" says Dirk with a smirk on his face and all of the other voices in the room are quiet now, and Em, Kevin and Alexander are now staring at Dirk.

"what do you want dirk? I told you I would pay you, you didn't have to come, you already have a bunch...." but he doesn't let me finish my sentence and he says "I know, I know, I just wanted to see you, and check on you but you are right i'm here for my payment so why don't you tell your "manager" to hand the cash."

I look up at him and then look at Kevin and say "Kevin just give it to him so he can leave" Kevin surprisingly obeyed pretty quickly, and he does as I said hands the money to Dirk who turns on his heel to leave, but before he opens the door he says "I will be in town for a while I hope we can meet to talk, and that isn't a question, so i'll send you the directions" and with that he leaves.

"okay I know this might sound weird because he is a bad guy, and a murderer, and just straight up psycho, but he is HOT, like not regular Hot, like out of this world HOT, did you see his face, and his pecks and his jaw...." I cut off Em, not just because I wanted to stop her from embarrassing herself in front of Kevin and her older brother but also because I didn't want to think about Dirk anymore, so I say "yes Em I lived with him for two years I think i've seen his  face a couple of times" with that I stand up and walk in the lockers room to pack my things and get the hell out of there.

the drive back home is pretty quiet, but I can feel Em's eyes on me and when I look up I see she is looking at me from the front seat through the back rear mirror so I say "Em is there anything you would like to say?"

"well there are a couple of things that I would love to know but if you aren't comfortable with me asking its fine" and to that I answer "okay i'll let you ask one question", she claps her hands together and her eyes shine with excitement, but I know this wont be the only time i'll have to address my past or part of it with someone, and by someone I mean Em and my sister.

"how did you meet Dirk, were you two lovers or friends, how did you two meet?"the one question I was hoping she would avoid, but I mean it's Em and she likes to go straight to the beginning of things, I should have seen this coming.

"well we met when I was 16, through some common friends, and no we were not lovers, we were, we were......" but for some reason I can't finish that sentence, because I dont even know the answer to that, what were we?, we were definitly not lovers, I always saw him as a father figure or older brother, and he saw me as his little sister, that was the nickname he had for me, and thats what people in his gang knew me as, they knew me as Dirks little sister, but were we really like siblings because siblings don't hurt each other the way he hurt me, an older brother protects you, he doesn't leave you there to suffer and pay for their mistakes.

I didn't realize i had spaced out until I feel a tear rolling down my cheek, and when I look up on the attempt to wipe the tear from my face I see not just Em looking at me but also Alexander, both of them have their eyes on the back rear mirror just waiting for me to finish.

so to try to cover up my small breakdown I say "we were mission partners" and with that I look out the widow hoping they buy it, but who am I kidding I didn't believe that myself.

once we arrive home, Em grabs her bag and hops on her car I guess she forgot she had an assignment do next week, we hug she hugs her brother and then leaves.

I walk in the house and grab a glass of water and began to walk to my room but i'm surprised by Alexander standing in the hall starring straight at me, I give a questioning look,wating for him to move, but he says "we need to tell your sister, and i'm not asking i'm telling you that I will be telling her"

I put my glass down and cross my arms on my chest trying to seem intimidating "look I get my sister sent you to watch me or some creepy crap like that but I dont need a babysitter, I know what i'm doing, so I donn't need you telling her anything about what happened tonight, got it" he looks at me with a smirk and crosses his arms"look I am here because your sister ordered me too, but she also said I had to report EVERYTHING back to her, and i'm pretty sure that includes the fact that Dirk is in town, because im not dying to keep your secret, got it"

with that he walks off into the living room leaving me there wondering if his brothers would really kill him for keeping a secret, I mean I know gang leaders are supposed to be cold, and heartless but they wouldn't kill their own brother, right?, I began walking into my room when I hear him say "oh and the i'm trying to intimidate you stand you had back there didn't help, you just looked cute, like a little kid pouting" I give him my death stare and walk in my room.

I began thinking about everything that had happened that night, well Dirk is back, Alexander is going to tell my sister, or he could die, and my I''ll kill you stand didnt work, with that I began thinking about what Alexander said, wait did he call me cute?

no, wait he did, but did he mean cute as in little kid cute or cute as in ........ no no stop dont even start, he is your babysitter and that's it no more than that.

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