Boundless Love #3 {✔️}

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Recap: RagLak had some private moments. Laksh care and love has increased. Ragini is opening herself.

Hmm 🤔 how can I get up without waking him?

Ragini is sleeping underneath Laksh, he was holding her tight and cuddling with her.

Ragini was trying to move finally she woke up before him, she didn't liked it to wake up after him, not even a minute she wants to miss being his wife.

She sees it as her duty to be prepared and fulfil all his desires and wishes.

She really appreciates his effort toward her, he is trying to make her his with each and every step he chose.

Ragini doesn't know why, but her inner voice was playing a bad game with her, she was looking at the face of the sleeping man besides her.

Ragini was looking at his hand, which was around her, well it was resting on her waist, well before that it was resting on her belly.

On her belly which had a scar, the scar she received after she finds him, she risked her life for this man, who has always misunderstood her!

The man who has fallen in love with her because she saved his family and him is this real love?

Is he loving me because of love or is he pity on me? Does he ever loved me? What would have happened if I never come in between the knife and Swara? Would he cursing me because I didn't save her? What would he have done? Wouldn't he the one, who would have chased Kavya down and killed her because she tried to kill his precious one?

Ragini couldn't stop herself, she was crying she doesn't know what it is! True love or just pity and sympathy? She rested herself for a moment and cried silently.

If he would love me won't he feel my pain? Then why he is still sleeping, when I'm crying my heart out?

Laksh moves lightly she thought he may wake up and clear her thoughts, but no he kept sleeping, but his grip on her loosen.

Ragini was lost in his sleeping face, she was covered because of the duvet.

Ragini was looking for a clothe piece, but all she could find was his shirt, she slowly picked it up and pulled it on her bare body

She had never worn his shirt before, it was the first time she was wearing it and she felt his presence and liked the fragrance, she slowly moves the duvet down

She saw her marks on his back, she was always ignoring her doings, but seeing his scratched skin she felt bad. A hurt comes over her, she kisses his back on the scratches she had made.

Laksh was in a deep sleep not even feeling anything of her kisses, but he was moving his hand.

Ragini vanished from there to the washroom as she felt his movement and tears were still rolling down her cheeks.

Laksh was feeling the bed... it was an empty bed...😔. He slowly opens his eyes, he blinks a few times and yawns once loud.

He stretches his arms looking at the empty room, he stood up, he knows she must be somewhere. He can sense her and opens the door to the washroom.

Ragini stopped for a moment, the water was rinsing over her, but her attention went to Laksh. Laksh was coming near her, he was holding her waist.

Ragini doesn't know why, but she felt bad.

She didn't turned to Laksh, what he doesn't like at all, he was coming even closer, but she was trying to go away from him.

Boundless love - RagLak (✔️)Where stories live. Discover now