Boundless Love #11 {✔️}

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Recap: RagLak told the true to AP anf Sujata. Laksh consoles Ragini that he is enough to love her.

ParSh party was taking an end all were happy and praising them as they were going to be parents soon.

Laksh was looking at his beautiful wife, "Baacha you know you look so cute!"

Ragini turns to him. What he said was hearable for everyone. Ragini blushes her gaze felt down to his hands, "Laksh ji what is this?"

Laksh smiles, "you wanna know?" He asked with a mischievous smile. 

Ragini nods like a small child, who was excited to know, but isn't getting it, "Laksh ji please!"

She was becoming more impatient.

Shekhar come to her and places his hand on her head, "Ragini relax he will give you it. After all he doesn't want us to kill him!"

Ragini widen her eyes, "Papa don't say that!" She fumes and rushes to Laksh to hugs him tight, "It's okay I don't want it as long as I have you!" She was hugging him tight without giving the other's any kind of attention.

Laksh smiles. He really appreciates it as she was holding herself back, "So my gift for you is very small and simple!" He gave her the small package to open it.

Ragini 👇

She was shocked, "Laksh ji you got conned! Here is nothing in it's empty!"

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She was shocked, "Laksh ji you got conned! Here is nothing in it's empty!"

Laksh come closer, "Really they conned me?! 😱... hahaha. Ragini I said small and simple!" He comes near her.

Ragini looked at him with a frowned face expression, "What you mean?"

Laksh took a deep breath, "Oh my beautiful wife behaving like a cute Baacha. It's a promise I want to give you."

Ragini smiles, "Haan say!" She was excited to know what he has to say.

Laksh smiles and bend down on his knees.

Laksh smiles and bend down on his knees

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Boundless love - RagLak (✔️)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang