James rose slighting, his back straightening. He had refused to look at his Sky before he died. When he spoke Sky could see his Adams apple bob in this throat. "Tell Bolivia I love her. I'm sorry I failed her." His final words were strong and gallant, "And Dustin..." The two men made eye contact. "Take care of my sister."

Sky wanted to step forward. But she couldn't, her feet wouldn't move. She wanted to say something. He had to know that their father had been proud of him. Christopher had told Sky while he was sick not to be angry at James, she had been too upset to see it in his eyes then but she knew now. His father was proud of him; he always had been.

"I will defend her with my life." Dustin lowered the blade over the man's heart. "As for Bolivia? Tell her yourself when you return to Karniva."

The shock that followed the Captain's words was monumental. Sky almost yelled with joy and wanted to hug him. She wanted to hug both of them. James had a less jubilant reaction, but his confusion was clear across his face.

"I believe she will be rather stressed attempting to pick up this collapsed country." Dustin smirked, it was small but Sky could see real happiness in his eyes. "You know how she gets when she's stressed. The navy will also need a good man to lead them."

"You." James whispered. "Hawk it should be you. I have brought this kingdom nothing but strife. You were always the better officer. You prove it even now."

James said the words sadly. He could not allow himself to believe he should live. Sky wondered how the other rebels were taking the captains decision. She came to the conclusion that since no one had decided to strike her brother down they much have accepted it.

"No. You followed the wrong person Ash. You lost your way, but you are a good man." Dustin reached out his hand to his friend. "Karniva needs men like you, now more than ever. Under Bolivia's guidance you can have a chance to right you wrongs." James green eyes shone with fresh tears but he did not let them fall. Instead he gave Dustin a curt nod and took his hand.

"Besides," Dustin said lifting James to his feet. "I think I make a better pirate." Sky smiled as Dustin used the Commodore's blade to pick up his fallen hat beside them. He placed it on his head stroking his enormous feather, his cat like smirk present. "Can't you tell?"

James almost smiled at his friend but sorrow came over his face once more. "By why spare me? Dust," Sky's brother hesitated, "I'm the reason you lost Tom."

His words make Dustin's smirk waver slightly. "You did not kill him." His voice was pained, but his words steady. "That was done by the King. Your real betrayal Ash, was trusting him over me. So trust me now when I say this; I may never forgive you, but I will not take your life because of your mistake."

"Why?" James asked looking at Dustin.

"Why do you think?" Both men turned to face the only person still watching them. James' green eyes finally met his sisters and she saw the love he had for her. He had left her to make their father proud and had decided that he would only return after he had archived his goal. It was only then that he realised he had left behind what he sought. "I'll keep her safe. I swear it. After all, she is my betrothed."

James smiled at Sky and she smiled back tears of joy in her eyes. "I know you will Dust." Then a frown came of his face and he turned from his sister to Dustin. "Betrothed?"

Dustin merely grinned at the poor brother. "Protect the people Ash. You won't be the only ones out of the seas enforcing honour. I think the people have had a taste of freedom. Good thing Bolivia can talk her way into people's hearts."

"That she can." James agreed overcoming his shock that this pirate was going to marry his sweet little sister. "And you Dust? Where will you go now?"

The BelladonnaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang