Chapter 66 - Jane Duchess

Start from the beginning

"I know," He was watching the men crashing into each other around them. Sky heard the striking of metal and shots of rifles. "But right now we have two ships that would be in range of another shot."

As he spoke Sky looked east out to Rogue. The townspeople's ship was amazingly still floating. In fact they were doing better than just floating; they had taken down one of the three ships pursing them. They were also turning back towards the Jane Duchess as the two remaining brigs forced Rogue into the range of the warships cannon. To the other side Thomas was trying his best to fight off the two flanking ships. Fire shots, looking like burning comets, flew from the pirates and bombarded them as the crew gave them everything they had.

Edward was right; if the officers were able to organise themselves and launch another shot, then the rebels very well might lose another ship. The Belladonna had already been hit and at a closer range she would be obliterated from another attack and Rogues men would be exhausted from their own battle. It wasn't something they could risk.

But it was the image of Dana that made up Sky's mind. Sky owed it to her to destroy the creation stated by her father, perfected by Dana and completed by James. It was up to them.

King Patrick would just have to wait.

"Fine." Sky said and Edward nodded gratefully. "Let's go."

Sky scanned the main deck with fast eyes. She had always thought this ship was huge but standing on it was a different feeling entirely. The three masts extended from the deck and reached impossibly high. There were numerous cannons on the top deck; they lined the railing on either side. The gun crews who manned them, had abandoned their posts and were stating to clash with the pirates. Sky saw her crewmates slaughter those charging towards them. But the King's men where no longer surprised and were beginning to fight back with efficiency. The ship was a mess of bodies flying this way and that. It felt like the whole deck was moving all around her. Sky fought to concentrate against the anarchy.

A big blood cannon. Sky thought frustrated. Surely it can't be too had to find?!

"There!" Edward shouted and pointed to the very middle of the quarterdeck between the Main mast and the Mizzen mast stood. They had obscured Sky's view and it was not where she would have expected it to be placed. However it made sense; the extra weight would be evenly distributed and it would have the space to be capable of rotation, as long as no one aimed directly at the mainmast, the cannon would be able to fire in almost any direction.

They set off towards it. Behind them on the forecastle, the highest deck at the bow of the man-o-war, Dustin and James came face to face. Unknown to Sky, as she and Edward fight their way attempting to get to the quarterdeck, the two men stood on either side of the bow.

"Hawk." James held his black pistol out towards the pirate.

"Davion." Dustin's men had pushed the King's officers back off the forecastle leaving behind their captain to fight his former friend.

"You should have taken me up on my offer in Karniva. It is too late now." James clicked the hammer of his pistol back as he aimed at Dustin.

It seemed fitting to the pirate that he no longer has its twin. The white gun was too pure for him and brought back too many regrets. That had been the reason he had left it behind on Harpers Isle along with his biggest mistake. Though he could not regret falling for this man's sister, Sky was the most incredible person he'd ever met, it had certainly complicated things.

"Come now Ash," Dustin drew one of his blades and twirled it in an unnecessary flurry. His other one remained at his hip; this would be a fair fight. "I know you like to get things over with swiftly, but humour me one last time. If we end this let's at least do it properly."

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