Sky almost smacked herself. The Admiral wouldn't use a system no one understood. The message was for Dustin, who had served in the Navy for a lot longer than Sky. "Captain!"

He looked up at her from a discussion with Thomas and Edward near the main mast. All three men looked stern and ready for whatever happened. Dustin's eyes met Sky with concern as she pointed out to the officer who had admirably continued repeating his message until it was understood.

Her captain watched with a frown, his eyes taking in the rapid flapping of the flags. Sky felt stupid for not telling him sooner. The messenger paused for a moment then turned and said something to Admiral Balthid. A new set of letter began moving much faster than the previous as the officer saw Dustin was much more proficient than Sky. When the message was complete Dustin stood tall in the Admirals direction and threw his arms out straight to his sides parallel with the deck below.

Acknowledged. That one Sky knew.

Dustin said something to the others who looked somewhat uncomfortable, especially Edward, but they gave Dustin a salute and began passing the message on to the crew. Dustin practically ran towards Sky and as he ascended the steps he stated to speak.

"The Admiral is taking Nichola to engage with The Royal Olivia. We are to continue as planned."

"But we can't approach the Jane Duchess without cover from the Maribelle. We won't be able to get close enough to board." Sky said harshly. It just was not meant to go their way and she resented the world for the cruel reality.

Dustin took no notice of her tone as he moved behind the wheel and turned the ship starboard slightly. "You're right. Which is why Dana is coming with us."

"Dana?!" Sky exclaimed. The cormorants were meant to go with Nichola and hold off any of the smaller ships, not act as a distraction for the one hundred guns of a warship. "How can they cover us? Patchwork Sally is smaller than we are and damaged."

Dustin almost opened his mouth but paused in confusion. He gave Sky an odd look at her name of the ship, however decided it wasn't the time for crude comments. "It doesn't matter Sky, we have to get to the Jane Duchess. If we can take out the King, then maybe we will be able to make the men surrender."

"If that is the case then our focus should be getting to the ship. We need the Maribelle to do it." Sky argued.

"And have Olivia blow Nichola and Dana in to bits before they come after us?" Dustin replied in an annoyed tone. He did not like this anymore than Sky did, but he was also much more aware than her of how ocean battles played out. "I would rather take my chances alone than the possibility of becoming trapped between two man-o-war ships."

Sky sighed in defeat. He was right of course, but the idea that the only thing between them and those guns was Sally and the cormorants made Sky feel sick. At least the Admirals ship could take a beating.

"Sky," Dustin said softly. His eyes turned to her and he looked how she felt. "This is war. We do what we have to in order to make a difference. Dana and her people know that. Everyone here knows that."

"That doesn't make it any easier." Sky whispered knowing he was right. Next to her Dustin sighed and reached out his hand towards her. Sky walked up to him and took his hand in hers trying to ignore the approaching Fleet in front of them.

"No, it doesn't." Dustin raised her hand to his lips softly pressing a kiss against her knuckles. His eyes shifted from her face to behind her and he let their hands fall at his side still looked.

Dana was steering Patchwork Sally behind the Belladonna. She would remain there as they sailed out until the Jane Duchess fired. Then Rogue and Nichola's ramming ship would have their short window to strike. After which Dana would escort The Belladonna towards the then crippled warship.

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