Chapter 9: You're Leaving Me?

Start from the beginning

I got the remote and snuggled up to Liam on the couch. We smiled as I laid my head on his shoulder, and the blanket covered us both. The bowl of popcorn lied between us.


It was on the part of the movie where Sully scares Boo, and I can’t help but let my eyes water.

“Baby, don’t cry. It’s just a movie,” Liam said, kissing my head and snuggling me more.

“I know, but it’s so sad,” I wiped away a tear.

“No, baby, I hate seeing you cry!” Liam said, “Kitty!” he exclaimed in a high voice like Boo, trying to make me laugh.

He was so sweet, trying to make me smile. I couldn’t help but crack one.

“Liam,” I laughed.

“There’s that beautiful smile,” he smiled too and we continued to

watch the movie.

When it finished, we decided to watch a few more Disney flicks. After our third movie, which was Finding Nemo, Liam started to look nervous.

“Liam, babe, are you okay?” I questioner and he looked at me, quickly.

“What? Oh yeah, I’m fine,” he smiled.

“You sure?” I asked, just making sure. He stayed quiet for a second.

“No,” he sighed, “I have something to tell you,” now I started to become nervous.

“Okay,” I paused the movie and looked at him, “What’s up?”

“One Direction is going on tour soon,” he explained quickly, and I looked at him, blankly.

“Come again?” I asked, becoming a bit sad, even a little angry.

He sighed, “One Direction’s go-”

“I heard what you said, Liam,” I said sternly, scooting away from him and crossing my arms.

“Whoa, what’s wrong?” he questioned.

“When are you leaving?” I asked, completely ignoring his question.

“Four days,” His voice was quiet.

“What?” my voice sounded hurt and a bit disappointed.

“I’m sorry, C. I wish I could’ve told you sooner,” he said, trying to apologize.

“Save it, Payne! How long have you known?”

“A couple months,” he looked down, sadly.

“How could you!?”

“I’m sorry!” he sounded ashamed. He should be.

“When my birthday is in a couple of days, and we just started dating?” I said, my eyes watering.

“Babe, please listen,” Liam tried, but I cut him off.

“Don’t call me that,” I said through gritted teeth. “I never want to see you again!” I ran upstairs to my room, ignoring the calls from him.

I slammed my bedroom door, and jumped on my bed, my head sinking into my pillow. Liam kocked on the door and I ignored him. After a while, I heard him sigh and walk away. A little later, I heard the front door open and people walk in.

I heard feet trudge up the stairs and a knock on my door.

“CJ, you in there?” Louis’ voice called.

“Go away. I don’t want to talk to any boys!” I called back.

“What happened? Did Liam hurt you?” I could hear a bit of anger in his voice.

“Just please. Go back to Eleanor with your perfect relationship!” I snapped

I know you’re probably thinking I’m overreacting about this. But I just can’t help it. I’ve always been an emotional person.

I just ignored Louis and he finally gave up. I decided to call Ali. Sitting up, I grabbed my phone and sniffled, wiping my nose.

“Hello?” her voice rang through the phone.

“Ali,” my voice cracked, “Can you come over? I really need to have a girl talk.”

“Sure! Are you okay, babe?”

“We’ll talk when you get here.”


“Thanks, bye.”

“Bye,” I hung up the phone and flopped back on my bed, waiting for Ali.


The doorbell rang and I heard Louis shout that he’d get it.

“CJ! Ali’s her for you!” he shouted.

“Send her up!” I shouted back.

“Hello, beautiful,” she greeted me as she walked through the door.

“Ugh, as if. I look like a zombie,” I replied.

“Liam would think you look like a beautiful one,” she smiled, sitting next to me on my bed.

“Speaking of Liam, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about,”  I started and she stayed quiet, “We kind of got into a fight.”

She gasped and her eyes went wide, “No!”

I nodded and sighed.

“I’m so sorry! What happened?” Ali looked concerned as she cocked her head to the side, looking at me intently.

I sighed before explaining everything.

“Wow, I can’t believe he would do that,” she said.

“I know right?” I exclaimed and groaned as I lied back against my bed.

“What are you going to do?” asked Ali, looking down at me.

“I just need to clear my head,” I answered.

She nodded, “I’d do that, too.”

“Maybe I could help you with Niall. You know, since I have nobody,” I suggested.

“Okay! But, CJ, you don’t have nobody.” she laid down next to me. “You have the other guys and me.”

“I do have you guys, don’t I?” I smiled. She nodded and grinned.

“Okay, so as you were saying about Niall and I?” Ali’s grin turned into a cheeky smile, and I laughed as we sat up.

“Right! You two SO need to get together!” I exclaimed.

“I know right!?” Ali said, being completely serious, and I burst out laughing as I hugged her. It became quiet after I got done laughing.

I sighed as I laid my head on her shoulder. She laid her head on top of mine.

“You’re my best friend, Allison Miller.”

“You’re my best friend, too, Chanel Tomlinson.”

We laughed and hung out for the rest of the day.

My Prince Charming: A Liam Payne Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now