Chapter 6: Thanks Liam

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~Chanel’s POV~

Today was going to be a boring day I knew it, so I decided to text Ali.

 Hey, girly(: Wanna hang today?

I threw my phone on my bed and started to change out of my pajamas.

Since it was in the middle of November, I put on a maroon baggy sweater, and some shorts with black leggings underneath.

My phone buzzed and I picked it up, opening the reply from Ali.

Sure! When and where?(: xx

I thought for a second, then replied.

Meet me at the park in 10

I slipped on a pair of grey Toms and stuffed my phone in my back pocket. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen where my aunt was.

“Hey, Aunt Jay. I’m heading to the park, be back soon,” I told her.

“Okay, sweetie, be careful,” she smiled at me and I nodded.

I started making my way towards the park as the cool air hit me. Walking gave me time to think, and I really needed to think.

I was really sad that Liam didn’t ask me to be his girlfriend at Nando’s. I felt like an idiot that I didn’t ask him to be my boyfriend. Ali’s voice brought me out of my thoughts.

“Hey, girl,” she smiled and we hugged.

I pulled out and looked at her, “I need to talk to you…”

“Okay,” Ali nodded and we walked over to the swings, sitting down on them, “What’s up, buttercup?”

“I-I think I’m starting to like Liam…” I confessed.

“No way!“ she exclaimed, smiling, “Like, like him or love him?”

 I was quiet for a second before I looked up at her, and she looked back at me. My face became completely serious, “Ali, I think I love him.”

~Liam’s POV~

Okay, I needed to start planning this date with CJ and I. I wanted to make it really romantic so she’d remember it forever. I was thinking it could be at the beach, but that was our first dat. It was also where we were mobbed by paparazzi.

Maybe it could be at the park! That’s where I asked her out for our first date. That would be perfect! But, it’s a park; it’s not really romantic. Hey, but I was Liam Payne; the most romantic guy in One Direction. I could make it work. Now all I needed to do was talk to Zayn.

I walked over to his room and knocked on the door. He opened the door a second later and smiled.

“Hey, mate. Come in,” he motioned for me to come in and I did so.

“Listen, Zayn. I’m going to need your help,” I said, setting on his bed.

“Okay, what’s up?” he asked, joining me.

“Well, I want to ask CJ to be my girlfriend, and I want to ask her on a romantic date,” I explained.

“Okay. Where’s the date going to be?” Zayn questioned, looking at me.

“I-I want it to be at the park…” I said, and he burst out laughing.

“The park?” he asked, and I nodded, “Why the park?”

“Because, that’s where I asked her out on our first date… It’s pretty special, I guess,” I responded, blushing a little.

“Ah, I understand. But it’s not really romantic,” Zayn stated.

My Prince Charming: A Liam Payne Love StoryWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu