Back on Track

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Your P.O.V. -

A couple months had passed since we captured Lotor. He's been giving us information about the Galra, which is resulting in many easy victories for us. I don't know how everyone else feels about this, but I'm still having trouble trusting Lotor.

'What if he's just manipulating our trust to get us to go into a battle that will kill us?'

But he just gave us information on a Galra base built on the moon of Tragoch. We left the castle and came close to the moon.

"That's our target," Shiro stated. "The moon of Tragoch."

"According to our latest intelligence," said Allura. "That's where the Galra are building their new upgraded sentries."

"Taking out this base will mean the Galra Empire won't be able to resupply their bases and ships for months," I explained.

"How do we know this isn't a trap?" Lance asked.

"All the intel's checked out so far," Shiro said. "Everything's exactly how we were told it'd be."

The alarms in my lion started to go off as drones came flying towards us.

"Including preparing us for those!"


"Allura," Pidge responded. "I'm sending you the signals to interfere with the drones."

"Signal acquired," said Allura. "Broadcasting."

Allura flew her lion closer to the drones and formed the sound wave gun and fired the signals to the drones. The drones slowly came to a stop and just drifted in space.

"Now, let's take them out before they recalibrate and report our approach," Shiro ordered.

We all formed our lions' jaw blades and flew forward at top speed. We cut our way through the drones, destroying every single one. Once on the other side of the drones, we all turned back to see them exploded, one after another.

"Form up on me," Shiro ordered. "We're going in."

We did as told and followed Shiro deeper into the base. We followed him into the tunnel, which we learned from Lotor, had lava on the outside of its walls.

"We have five minutes before the Galra base realizes their drones aren't responding. Be careful to stay in formation and don't touch the sides!"

We continued to follow Shiro, mimicking almost his every move. Turn after turn everything was fine, until there was a loud noise from the back of the formation and the Yellow Lion then slammed into the Green Lion.

"Hunk!" Pidge yelled.

"I think I may have nicked the side, a little bit," Hunk explained.

"Let me through!" Allura demanded.

She turned the Blue Lion around and made a wall of ice to stop the lava flowing its way to us.

"We better hurry," she said. "That patch won't last long."

She was right. The patch almost immediately broke from the heat of the lava, which was now on all of our lions' tails.

"The lava's gaining on us!" I yelled. "We can't outrun it!"

"We should be directly underneath the Galra base," Allura explained.

"There's an opening up ahead," Shiro pointed out. "Follow me!"

As we flew away from the lava, we followed Shiro through the next tunnel just above our heads. It was a dead-end.

My Hotheaded Paladin (Keith x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now