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A day off. Those were words that the thirteen tired, over-worked boys almost never heard. So when those three words came out of their manager's mouth one night, all of the boys were overflowing with excitement. Sungcheol had the brilliant idea that they all go on a picnic the next day in a field where they had done one of their photoshoots before, and not one person objected. In fact, the boys loved the idea so much that they actually went to bed early, which was an extremely rare occurrence, so they could be energized for the next day.

When Chan awoke the next morning, it was one of the many times when he wished he wasn't ticklish, but, unfortunately, he was quite ticklish. Chan shot upright in bed, squirming and giggling. "S-Stop it! I h-hate you guys!" Chan tried to push Seungkwan and Hansol away in between his uncontrollable laughter, and finally they stopped tickling him. It was still fairly dark outside, but not too dark to see how enthusiastic the boys' smiles were.

"It's time to get up, Chan! We're going on our picnic today!" Seungkwan clapped his hands excitedly, and Chan's annoyance towards his friends for waking him up quickly faded as he remembered that it was their day off.

"You're right! I have to get dressed!" Chan shot out of bed, smiling like an idiot, and changed into comfortable shorts and a t-shirt.

"Let's go! Let's go! Everyone else is waiting!" Seungkwan bolted out of the room, giggling.

"Hey, watch out, Channie. Soonyoung's wearing a sleeveless shirt," Hansol winked at him and Chan rolled his eyes and smacked Hansol's arm before running out of the room and towards the van with him.

Hansol was right - Soonyoung was wearing a sleeveless shirt, and he looked quite good in it. Chan didn't even realize he was staring until Wonwoo, who was sitting next to him in the back, nudged him lightly.

"Hey, Chan, are you gonna stare at Soonyoung's arms the entire car ride, or...?" Unfortunately, Wonwoo had said it loud enough for the entire car to hear, and most of the boys broke into laughter causing Chan to hide his face in his hands for the rest of the car ride.

Finally they arrived at the picnic spot. As they stepped out of the van, a series of gasps were heard from the boys. It was even more beautiful than any of them had remembered. The meadow was full of magnificent, small flowers and there were trees scattered around the field, their leaves whispering in the soft breeze. The sun was out, making the temperature warm, but the clouds provided enough shade that it wasn't overly hot. There was a faint babbling sound in the distance - a stream, maybe? The chirping of birds could be heard and the air was fresh. There were no cameras on them today, no staff members with them, no hiding paparazzi. They could just be themselves.

After the boys stood there gaping for a minute, Soonyoung broke the silence. "Well, let's go pick a spot and set up our picnic! I'm hungry!"

"Yeah, let's go!" Seokmin grabbed the picnic basket from Sungcheol and ran into the field.

"Hey, wait for me! No grabbing!" Sungcheol took off after him and the rest of the boys giggled before following them.

They eventually came to the perfect picnic area - it was almost a clearing in the midst of the knee-high grass, and the grass in this area was littered with small purple and white flowers. Sungcheol and Jeonghan spread out the two large picnic blankets and took their seats on them, placing the extremely large picnic basket in the center of the two blankets.

"You don't need to wait for an invitation to sit down," Jeonghan chuckled at the other eleven boys who were awkwardly standing around the blankets that had just been set up. Chan didn't need to be told twice - they had left for the field before breakfast, and he wasn't sure how much longer he'd be able to go without food.

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