dating jj would include

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•Make-up challenges
•Getting used to his loudness while filming
•Loud sex
•Him loving you unconditionally
•You loving him the same
• Very long kisses
•Which you love
•Accidental on camera kisses
•Him calming down around you
•Him having to calm you down often
•Him scaring you
•Him getting slapped for scaring you
•Going to LA with him
•Moving in with him and the boys
•Supporting him no matter what
•Late night drives
•Food runs
•Wearing his clothes because they smell nice
•Acting like children together
•The boys getting annoyed by the two of you
•The boys teasing you after what they heard the night before
•JJ teasing you, more than necessary
•"Round 2?"
•"I love you"
•Cute pouts
•Being tickled
•Laying on top of him
•Being more nervous than him before his big fight
•Crying for him when he won his big fight
•'Celebrating' together
•Cuddling all day
•Going with him to all the exotic places he goes to
•Swollen Lips
•Passionate Kisses
•Dirty talk
•Him being more of a tease then he was before
•Trying to get him to continue his second channel
•Being best friends
•Freya seeing all of the purple marks on your chest
•Being totally in love.

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