19- tobi [spiked]

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y/n's pov

tonight was just like any other saturday night with plans being made to go to a bar which would always end up with way too much alcohol being pumped through almost everyones bloodstream.

I got ready for the night ahead at Talia's new apartment where she had invited Freya and Gee for some pre-drinks, everyone was buzzed and ready to hit the streets of london for a good night.

"Talia can you book the uber while i finish y/n's hair please." Gee asked from the bathroom.

"yeah hold on." Talia shouts back.

Gee finished the final curl in my hair and i thanked her before the four of us got ourselves together and took the lift down to where the uber would be.

during the 10 minute car journey small talk was made about who was getting the most wasted tonight, with all the bets played on Freya, and sure enough when we got into the club she was the first one up at the bar.

although drinks was on my mind, there was someone who i wanted to find first. Tobi, my boyfriend of just shy of 3 years was sat at one of our reserved booths, drinking which i confidently could guess was apple juice.

"y/n! you're looking good." Tobi smiled standing up and wrapping me in a hug.

"you're looking fine yourself." i said sitting down next to him.

"can i get you anything from the bar?" he asked.

"it's alright i'll go with Freya she looks like she's ready for something strong." i smiled at him.

sliding out the booth i linked arms with Freya and headed through the crowd of clammy bodies towards the alcohol. i decided i wasn't going to get hammered tonight as Tobi wanted to go out tomorrow and i wasn't prepared to suffer a headache the entire day.

"i'll just have a margarita please." i shouted over the bass of the music. "and she'll have a vodka coke."

"coming right up." the bartender smiled.

i flinched at the feeling of someone touching my back and whipped around to see a guy i didn't recognise.

"can we help you." Freya piped up.

"let me buy your drinks." he smirked.

"we're alright thanks, but thanks for the offer." i said to him before turning back round to Freya.

we walked back to the booths where the boys were sitting, and i squeezed into the middle beside Tobi and Ethan, who already looked buzzed.

"who was that at the bar" Tobi asked.

"not sure just some guy wanting to buy our drinks" i replied.

Tobi wrapped his arm round my shoulders just bringing me closer to him, i wasn't complaining.

Throughout the night the club got busier, louder and it was clear most people were intoxicated, the boys stayed at the booths not wanting to draw attention to themselves and myself and Freya found ourselves at the bar once again.

"can i get two venoms please?" i asked the bartender before turning to Freya, asking her about her recent holiday.

"here you are ladies" the bartender said handing over the two green glasses.

"oh Freya your dress" i said putting my glass down and turned round to fix her dress. "there, all fixed".

turning back round i picked my glass back up and walked over to the boys where harry and ethan were carrying on.

"we like to drink with y/n, cause y/n is our mate, and when we drink with y/n she gets it down in 8" harry began.

oh here we go, and so as the gang counted down from eight i tried my best to get the glass of alcohol down me, not realising the mess that would get me in until my head wouldn't stop spinning and i was holding onto Tobi for dear life.

"y/n how much have you had to drink" Tobi questions looking down at my shaking figure.

"only two drinks" i slurred out losing my grip on his shirt and crashing to the floor.

"y/n can you hear me sweetheart?"
"someone get help"

"how many has she had" Josh asked.

"literally only two i was with her both times" Freya panicked. "someone must have slipped something in her drink".

"ah fuck right outside now and we'll wait for help" Talia says still on the phone to emergency services.

the ride in the ambulance was a complete blur, seeing bright lights, Tobi, oxygen masks, but mostly the inside of my own eyelids.

"it's okay y/n, you're gonna be okay babe" Tobi whispered into my hand holding it up to his lips, kissing it gently on the way to the hospital.


"we'll keep her overnight for observation but in the morning she'll be able to go home" the nurse explained to us in the small cosy hospital room.

"you gave us all quite the scare there babe" Tobi says gently.

"i'm sorry, i don't even know what happened, one minute i was fine and then i couldn't see anything or anyone."

"you don't have to apologise y/n, must have been some creep at the bar, don't worry we won't be going back there again." Talia smiles softly from the other side of the bed.

"you just rest up tonight and we can get you home safe and sound tomorrow." Tobi adds, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"will you stay with me?" i asked him.

"of course i will, i'll always stay." he smiles.

and so he did, crammed up in the single bed together we were able to return home the next day, deciding to stay in and watch movies and cuddle rather than venture back out into the streets of london.


hello! it's only been over two years since the last time i updated this book (i'm sorry) and this will unfortunately be the last time i update. i just wanted to get this last one finished before i complete it. started with Tobi so of course i had to end it with him too. thank you if you have stuck around this long! will probably write a thank u chapter just to really round it off but what a few years it's been on here ❤️.

© tobileroneee

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