7- harry [ detention ]

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It started in an argument,
and ended with a few punches being thrown.
The person that I was fighting?
Harry Lewis.
I first met him 3 months ago, when he bumped into me making me drop all of my books onto the floor, and then he walked away without saying a word.
The second encounter was when I accidentally dropped my lunch on him. It honestly was an accident but he didn't think that. Then I walked away without saying a word.
The third encounter with Harry was when his friend Simon was hitting on me. Harry came to tell him to "get away from her. She's nothing but trouble". Simon gave me his number, though I'd never called him.
Now the fourth encounter was this morning. I had a free period/block and was sitting in a classroom watching Joe Sugg's new video.
"What you watching shithead?" Harry asked me pulling out one of my earphones.
"None of your damn business fuckface!" I replied.
"Aw is that your little dream boyfriend?" He asked sarcastically.
Then the bell rang and I stood up walking out of the classroom.
"Get to fuck Harry." I said angrily.
"Make me Y/N." He smirked.
So I dropped your bag and turned around punching him in the jaw. He fell to the floor and pulled my leg down with him, Good thing I was wearing leggings today. As everyone in the school was getting to their next class, there was a large crowd gathered round the two of you. Harry threw a punch and it hit my nose, it started to bleed. Although I wasn't down for long, I put my leg over him and pinned him down. Then threw as many punches as I possibly could at his perfect little face. He managed to find the strength to flip me over so that my back was on the cold, hard floor. All of the kids around us two were cheering and shouting. I felt Harry's hard punches banging against my face, so I kneed him in the balls. He screeched and took his weight off of me.
"MR LEWIS, MRS Y/L/N!" The headmaster Mr.Davis yelled. All of the surrounding kids scattered to get to class and soon enough Harry and I were the only two in the corridor.
"Mind telling me what that was about!?" He asked.
We both stayed silent, looking down. Then Mr.Davis made us follow him to his office, Harry and I sharing the same look on our face.

"Right. I've spoken to your parents Harry. They are very disappointed and are fine with me giving you 3 days of detention. Y/N, your parents never picked up." Of course they never picked up, their both probably drunk passed out on a wall somewhere.
"But I am giving you 3 days worth of detention too. And you both need to make up and fix what ever problems you have with each other. You both better head to the medical room, that was quite a show you put on."Mr. Davis finally finished talking.

Detention Day 1 -

I walked into the detention classroom expecting to be the first person there because Harry is late to everything. But I wasn't, Harry was there sitting in the middle chair starting at the clock.
"Mrs. Y/L/N, take a seat. Preferably the one next to Mr. Lewis." Mr. Davis said.
So I sat next to Harry dreading the next hour.
"I am going to leave you two alone for the next hour. If you even try to fight there will be severe consequences. And if you don't talk about your problems today, there's always tomorrow. And the next day." Mr. Davis said before leaving the room and closing the door. Harry sighed, I did too. Then I walked around the room looking for something to do except sit with Harry. I look at the large window, and it is open slightly. I gently push it and it swings open.
"Well that was easier then I thought." I mumbled.
"What the hell are you doing?" Harry asked.
"What's it look like, escaping. Then I'll come back in an hour for Mr. Davis dismissing us." I replied.
"So you've done this before then." Harry laughed.
"Maybe a few times." I laughed back before stepping out of the window and walking 10 minutes home. I only went home to charge my phone as it was dead and wanted to watch more YouTube. I grabbed a few bags of crisps and 2 bottles of coke before walking back to school and sneaking back in the window.
"Hey, back so soon?" Harry asked obviously bored.
"Hey. I got you some shit." I told him sitting some crisps and coke on his desk.
"Thanks." He said very surprised.
"Just because I beat the shit out of you doesn't mean I can't be nice. I just didn't want you to starve to death." I told him.
"Thanks? I guess." Harry replied.
Harry and I spoke for the rest of detention. He wasn't a bad kid, he grew up in the good area and had good parents. I never told him about my background, I just didn't want to be judged for the rest of high school.
Soon enough Mr. Davis walked in dismissing the 2 of us, Harry offered to walk me home but I kindly refused the offer, I couldn't let him see my state of a "home".

Detention Day 2 -

Today Harry and I passed each other a few times in the corridor, sharing small smiles. Then at the end of the day we walked into detention together, Mr. Davis left again but this time I never left the class, Harry and I played monopoly for a while before getting bored.
"You know. I'm sorry for calling you shithead and stuff Y/N." Harry said.
"It's fine Harry honestly. I've been called worse." I replied.
"Who would have called a pretty girl like you, worse names than that?" Harry asked smirking.
"Just people Harry, don't worry about it." I smiled. Harry just smiled slightly at me, it felt weird, Because yesterday we were punching the living daylights out of each other.
"Do you think maybe we can have a fresh start? And actually be friends?" Harry asked hopefully.
"Yeah Harry. I'd like that." I smiled.
So we shook on it and we're friends from then on. My stomach groaned slightly.
"You hungry." Harry laughed.
"Yeah a bit. I never ate lunch." I confessed.
"Y/N, you should always eat lunch or else you'll starve." Harry said.
"Well is normally be home by now so I'd eat something then." I told him.
"Alright." He breathed out.
Let's face it, detention sucks. It's honestly the most boring hour of your life. And if your like Harry and I, it's the worst 3 hours of our lives. Soon enough Mr.Davis came in and dismissed us and once again Harry offered to walk me home. I just told him that I wasn't going straight home and would see him tomorrow. Then walked off.

Detention Day 3 -

Today was the last day of detention. I had got closer to Harry over the past 2 days and was gonna miss hanging out. I was the first one in the classroom today and thought Harry might not come, Mr. Davis was growing impatient. A few minutes later Harry came running in the door.
"Mr. Lewis you have 5 minuets extra detention because you were so late." The headmaster told him. Harry sighed. Then as always Mr. Davis left the room. I didn't want to be here. Harry didn't want to be here. So I thought the only smart thing to do was leave.
"Hey Harry, you wanna get out of here?" I asked.
"Of course. Where we going?" He said.
"There's a forest behind the school. You wanna go sit there for an hour? Get some fresh air?" I told him.
"Yeah, I'd love too, let's go." He smiled.
I stood up and grabbed my bag tossing it over my shoulder and walking over to the window. Harry followed me and we both climbed out the window closing it behind us. Harry and I had a chitchat on the way to the woods, when we arrived I sat on a fallen tree and Harry sat right beside me.
"Did you come here 2 days ago? When you left." Harry asked me.
"No. I went home, had to charge my phone. And get food." I told him.
"Oh, do you come here often." He asked.
"Yeah. Just do collect my thoughts and stuff." I told him, I couldn't believe that I was telling anyone this stuff, especially Harry.
I felt Harry's fingers tickling the palm of my hand, so I slipped my fingers into his. I was holding Harry Lewis' hand. I looked at him, his smile was wide and he was looking at our clasped hands.
"Y/N, ca-, can I kiss you?" Harry stuttered out. Never in a million years did I think that Harry would ask that question and quite frankly I didn't know the answer.
"Yeah Harry. Yeah go for it." I whispered.
He smiled and started to lean in, I copied his actions and our lips met together. We sat like this for a minute before breaking apart.
"Do you wanna go back to the school now?" I asked.
"Yeah. I mean we can always make out in the classroom." Harry smirked, I blushed and he grabbed my hand. We walked back to the school like this and climbed back in the window, the classroom was abandoned just like it was when we left. I sat on the seat next to him and leaned my head on his shoulder.
"Hey Y/N, do you wanna go out on a date with me this Friday?" Harry asked.
"Yeah, I'd love to Haz, here's my number. You can text me anytime." I smiled.
Mr.Davis burst into the room and we both sat up straight.
"Right you two. You are dismissed and I want no more fighting, do I make myself clear?" He said.
"Yes Sir." Harry and I responded walking out of the classroom.
"Y/N, do you wanna come to my house? I have a PS4 and loads of games and stuff." He asked.
"Sure Harry i'd love to. And as you said 'We can always make out. '" I mimicked him. He laughed and took my hand, we walked back to his house but nobody was home, so we just played the PlayStation and shared a few kisses in between games. I ended up staying over at Harry's house that night and walking to school with him the next day. We held hands the whole day and got weird looks from the people who had seen us punching each other a few days beforehand. But that's what happened in our relationship,
It started with a punch,
                                and ended in kisses.

Word Count- 1830

This might be my favourite imagine I've ever written, I started writing it 2 days ago and finally finished it now. It's also the longest one I've written which is good. If you have any requests or ideas please message me and I'll try and do it as soon as possible.

© tobileroneee

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