Instead of telling them that, I said the other excuse that was holding me back from eating.

"I have a chew in," I briefly explained while pulling down my lip.

"Oh," Louis nodded, understandingly.

"So, Lacy been holding out?" Zayn smirked.

"What?" I asked. I think I already knew what he meant, but I was going to give him a chance to rephrase his question before I freak out.

"You know what I mean," he laughed.

"Has she slept with me yet?" I clarified while clenching my jaw.

"Yeah, duh," he shook his head.

"That doesn't concern you," I breathed.

I sat on the edge of my seat and put my elbows on my knees. I was close to getting up and leaving, I didn't want to deal with snide comments like Zayn's. It's like he doesn't even know what's he's saying sometimes. It just flows out of his mouth and he expects everyone around him to be okay with whatever he has to say. It's not okay with me and I have no problem showing him that if he crosses the line.

"Sorry man," he put his hands up in surrender, "you really are different."

"I love her," I confessed to them.

"Wooooaahhhhhh," Niall teasingly said.

I leaned back in the chair and got comfortable again. I ran my fingers through my hair and let out a heavy sigh. I wasn't used to this. I didn't even know what love felt like til Lacy came along. I don't care what anyone says though, I love the feeling. I feel like I am walking on a cloud. I may sound like the biggest wuss to say these words, but I don't care. I just don't.

"She's amazing," I stated.

They looked at me as if I had grown another head.

"I just can't believe it, but I'm happy for you," Louis said.

"Thanks Lou," I smiled.

This is why he's my favorite.

"It's not that I'm not happy for you, but I think we all have a right to be pretty appalled by this. I mean, no one ever imagined alone falling in love," Liam sighed, "but I hope you are happy with her."

"I am," I assured him along with the rest of the guys, "she's my life."

"Awh, Harry," Louis teasingly pinched my cheeks.

"Stop," I warned.

"Fine, fine."

I sat up in my chair and pulled out my cell phone from my pocket. I checked the time and realized it was 5:30. I also saw that I had a message and a smile made it's way onto my face when I saw it was from her.

"Oh, must be Lacy..." Zayn teased.

I waved my hand and looked at the message.

Come over, I miss you. :*

I looked up at the guys and saw they were already staring at me expectantly. I gave them a small smile before speaking.

"I gotta go," I stood up.

"Alrighty, man. Your lover calls," Louis smiled.

I laughed and began to make my way towards the door. I was anxious to see her even though I was with her this morning. I wanted to be with her all the time, though. Her smile was enough to make me smile. Her laugh was enough to make me laugh.

I am whipped.

I walked to my truck and hopped in the drivers seat. I rubbed my hands together fiercely to try to get some warmth. The temperature was surely at it's low today.

The drive to Lacy's home was longer than I thought and I grew more anxious as I took the turn onto her street. Hopefully she didn't want to go do anything because staying in, cuddling, and watching movies sounds

like the best option to me right now. I knew the boys would probably be throwing a party even though tomorrow is Monday, which means school. They didn't really care.

I didn't see her moms car in the driveway which probably meant she was home alone.

Another good thing.

I pulled into her driveway and wasted no time in getting out. I practically jogged up the walk and then stopped at the door to collect my breath. I didn't want to breathe heavily in her mouth whenever I gave her a greeting kiss.

I know, weird to think, but it's true.

I knocked on the door and about ten seconds later, a beautiful girl was before me. She had on Nike athletic shorts as well as a long sleeve shirt that had our school's conference track logo on it. Her long hair was in a braid to the side and she was wearing glasses.

"Hi, baby," I greeted and leaned in to kiss her.

"Hi," she kissed back, but she talked shyly.

She escorted me in and pulled her sleeves down to cover her hands as if she was cold or something.

"I didn't know you wore glasses," I pointed out.

"Well, I wear contacts but I wear these at night when I'm home," she explained.

"I think they make you look super cute. You should wear them more often."

She scrunched her nose and laughed, "maybe."

I laughed and leaned in to give her another peck on the lips.

"Where's your mom?" I questioned in between kisses.

"Meeting for work," she said quickly while tugging off my jacket eagerly.

I forcefully stuck my tongue in her mouth as we kissed eachother deeply.

"Oh, Lacy..." I breathed, "what are you doing to me?"

I let my head fall as I jokingly shook my head at her. She smiled at the effect she had on me and I smiled back.

"I love you," she said quietly.

"I love you more."


Sorry it was super short.

This was such a long wait and I feel terrible if anyone is following the updates but I have been so busy lately with my play, volleyball, and twirling so I'm really trying! Today is the last day of volleyball though, and my play ends this weekend so updates should be coming faster!

I want this story to get bigger so please recommend it to your friends or something!

Another thing: I just want to congratulate Anna on publishing the "After" series! They are such great books and she deserves to have them published! I can't wait to get them!

If you have not read After, which I'm sure most of you have, GO READ IT! You will absolutely not regret it.

Sorry to seem After crazy, but Hessa is life, okay?

I love you all and sorry for the long authors note!

Alrighty, bye now!

-Ashley (:

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2014 ⏰

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