Chapter 10

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Lacy's POV

"Harry!" I whispered.

It was 4 in the morning and I had to pee. Harry was halfway on top of me, so I couldn't move. Instead, I gently lifted his arm up and over my body while untangling our legs. I slid out from under Harry's grasp and tiptoed across the floor to the bathroom.

I finished my business, and did an awkward run back to the comfort that is my bed.

"What are you doing?" Harry mumbled tiredly.

"I had to use the bathroom," I explained.


I got back in my bed and quickly covered my body back up then let out a shiver.

"It's freezing in my house," I concluded.

"It's not bad, actually," Harry disagreed.

I chuckled and looked over to observe him. I couldn't see him all that well, but the moonlight gave some leeway. His green eyes looked dull, tired as his smile was weak everytime he let one fall on his lips. His eyebrows were creased in the middle and there were hairs sticking up in all different places, mainly the back.

"Done checking me out?" He smirked.

"Yeah, my eyes can't stand it anymore," I teased.

He laughed at my comeback and layed back down. I decided to join him as I also positioned my body to a comfortable pose. However, that pose didn't last long when Harry pulled my body closer to him. It was the exact same way before, his arm sprawled across my stomach, one leg over mine and the other one close by, barely touching. His free hand was either petting my hair or limply lying by his side.

I smiled and tilted my head up to look at him. He was a beautiful person. With that image fresh in my mind, I dozed off again.


I woke up feeling sweaty, but when I thought about the reason, I didn't mind. Harry seemed to be comfy but I couldn't help it when I peered over to look at the time.


That is way to early to be up. My mom should be home soon.

My mom!

I rapidly shot up and started hitting Harry in the stomach.

"Harry! Harry! Wake up!" I shrieked.

"What? What is it?" He shot up, as well.

"My mom is coming and you need to go! Now!" I exclaimed as I got up out of bed to grab his jeans and shirt for him. My mom cannot see him here, she will automatically think we did something we clearly didn't do.

"Okay, calm down," he hushed me.

"Bye," I said as he stepped out of the window, however, he stayed there.

"What are you doing?! Leave!" I yelled.

"No kiss goodbye?" He smirked.

I ran over and pecked his lips, quickly leaving him be by the window. I don't know why he chose to go out the window. If my mom isn't home, there is no need; however, if she is home, she has already saw his truck so either way he was clear to walk through the house. He clearly chose not to.

I walked out into the hallway and let out a breath of relief when my mom wasn't here. I pinched the bridge of my nose and instantly felt bad about how I basically kicked Harry out of my house.

I don't know what I am to Harry. Are we dating? Friends? Friends with benefits? Don't get me wrong, I have some respect but it would be hard to deny Harry if he came onto me and he was just my friend. However, I hope friends with benefits is not the case.

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