Chapter 13

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Harry's POV

I pulled my jacket tighter around my figure as I walked up the steps to my home. I had no idea what I was going to do about Lacy.

I wasn't even dating this girl and she already has me wrapped around her finger.

I'm whipped, and that's something I have never been before so both of us have some getting used to.

I need to do something to get her back and her and I both know it's going to he far from easy. I don't know how to have a girlfriend, but I could work on it and eventually maybe, possibly be a good boyfriend.

Maybe I should just ask her out?

I decided that's what I will do, because I want to make Lacy Montgomery my girlfriend.

Lacy's POV

I don't understand. I don't understand why Harry hasn't tried to talk to me. I don't understand why he didn't chase after me. I don't understand.

Part of me wants to cave in and call him, but part of me is wrong. I am not caving. He is going to be the one who tries to make things right with me. I'm done.

The power in the relationship lies with the one who cares less.

Aint that the truth?

Here I am practically crying in my head for Harry to come back to me. And I know all Harry has to do is come to my doorstep or even call me and he has me back. But he won't do that...

Because he cares less.

So here I am, being the emotionally distraught girl.

I picked up my phone and realized I had a message from an unknown number.

I opened it and it read;

I know seeing a message from an unknown number may make you worry, but dear, to find me you must be in a hurry. Come to the park and don't be afraid, I'll be waiting on you just like a maid.

P.S. I'm not a poet.

I laughed at the interesting message before pondering if I wanted to go or not.

I have nothing to lose, but what if it's someone that wants to kill me?

I have no idea who it could be but I am going to find out.

I was assuming it was the park closest to my house so I slipped on my shoes as headed out the door.

The cold air blew my hair back as I kept my head down to try to build up some warmth. I really didn't like this weather.

When I got to the bench, I found a note taped on it. I ripped it off and picked it up and it read;

I'm not even going to try to rhyme. Just come find me. I'm by the river...

I crumpled up the note and threw it in a trash bin next to the metal seating. I mustered up as much courage as I could and headed towards the river.

Everything looked plain, dark, and boring. It was so dark I could never find someone in this place. Just when I thought I might as well just turn around, there were lights that made a runway through some trees. I assumed it was for me, so I took the path. Once I was at the end, I saw a boat, or canoe, sitting on the dock.

I looked around for a little bit and confusion was written clear on my face.

"Lacy.." I heard a voice tremble quietly.

I turned around and was met with the same vibrant green eyes I have missed, as much as I didn't want to.

"What is this?" I asked, gesturing towards the canoe.

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