Well, that was unexpected.

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Red entered the house and placed his bag by the door. He entered the kitchen and looked around. It was awfully quiet.

He walked into the living room to see Green reading a book, and Dani napping on the couch.

"I'm home."

Green snapped his head up and jumped into Reds arms. Red held him tight and didn't let go but he did loosen the hug a bit.

"How was your day?"

He wanted to know what the doctor said to Green but he knew that he had to gently get to that question.

"Boring. I missed you."

"Missed me? But I was only gone for like ten hours." Red reassured him.

"Ten hours is a long time!" Green exclaimed.

Red chuckled and rolled his eyes. Green just huffed and placed his head onto Red's shoulder.

"The doctor said that I am about seven weeks pregnant." Green whispered.

Red bit his lip. "To be honest here Green, I am absolutely terrified here."

"I'm scared too."

"We are going to get through this, I promise."

He felt Green nod. Red kissed his forehead and yawned.

"Wow I am wiped. I think I am going to pass out if I don't go to sleep soon." Red yawned.

Green giggled. "You hungry?"

Red nodded and walked into the kitchen and pulled open the fridge door. He felt Green put his hand on his hand.

"Go sit I will make dinner."

Red too tired to argue sat down at the table and put his head on the table. Man was he tired. His team mates just couldn't focus today and neither could he since he knew Green went to the doctors.

After having the coach yell at all of them he made them all do a hard extreme workout after. Then after that his team mates were asking him questions. Because Stevenson always had his focus on the game and practice. Dear god it is the end of the world if he lost focus for one day.

Then Iron the bastard told the coach it must be Green's fault or something must be going on between his and Green's relationship that is distracting the best player. Ugh he just wanted to punch the bastard.

"Red? Dinner's ready." Green declared while proudly setting the plate of food in front of Red.

Red could tell that Green has been practicing with his mom for baking and just making a simple meal. Red took a bite of the chicken that was in front off him. He looked at Green who was waiting for his opinion.

"This is really good. What spices did you use?" Red asked while shoving another bite into his mouth.

"Just some salt, pepper, and some garlic, also a little bit of five spice." Green listed off.

Red smiled. "Well this is really good. I am impressed."

Green beamed and sat down starting to eat his meal. While both males were eating and talking , Dani entered the kitchen.

"Oh I made some for you too, but you might have to heat it up a bit." Green said feeling a bit guilty.

"This looks wonderful dear. Looks like my lessons are paying off." Dani praised.

Green smiled and then put a hand to his mouth. "I'll be back." He said as he rushed off to the bathroom.

"You want to go after him don't you?"

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