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Red stood frozen as he watched Green walk out of the house without looking at him. He turned towards his mother.

"He hates me now!" He sobbed.

Dani rushed over to her son and wrapped him in a tight hug. Her son has never cried in front of her till now. "Oh sweetheart he doesn't hate you now. Shhh c'mon that's it sit down." Dani said very softly.

As they both sat down Dani rubbed her hand over his back remembering how that calmed him down when he was younger and her husband walked out on them.

"Please tell me what happened." She cooed softly.

"I don't know! I was sleeping and I had this awful dream a-a-and then I-I woke up and h-he w-was on the g-ground and I w-was on t-top o-o-of him!"

"Shhhhh you need to calm down alright? First what was your dream about and tell me everything."

"I can't remember!" Red wailed.

Dani knew he was too upset to think about anything so she started to hum his lullaby she used to sing to him when he was a younger child.

She noticed it was working for he was starting calm down and he started to hum along, a habit he had since he was a child.

"There we go. Are you calm now?"

Red sniffled and nodded his head and rested it on her shoulder.

"Now just try and remember the nightmare alright?"

Red sniffled once again and raised his head and ran a hand through his hair.

"I was in this abandoned house and it was a really big house. I mean really big like it was a really old mansion."

"Wait. Was it a big white building with this old oak tree in the front yard, and a statue in front of it with a white and blue rose garden around it?" Dani questioned.

"That's exactly it. How did you know that?" Red asked.

"It was the place where your father grew up. He was adopted into that family."

"Well that's weird."

"Yes it is. Please continue."

Red nodded. "I was in this really old hallway so I walked down the stairs and entered what looked like this dining room, It had really fancy dinner plates on the table like it was set up for a dinner but was abandoned before it started."

"Hmm gold and silver plates?"

"Yes! So I kept walking and saw this huge wooden door so I opened it and I was all of a sudden outside. I saw the roses and I remember thinking how I wish the blue roses were real so I could give one to Green. I looked up at the statute and it had this creepy face on it so since I was a little freaked out I turned around and walked back inside."

"Yea when I visited you father's family for the first time that statue freaked me out to so you are not the only one." Dani replied.

Red nodded and took a deep breath. "I saw these really odd stairs that just stood out because it didn't fit the theme of the house and I walked down them and opened this bright red door."

Dani widen her eyes. "They would never let me go down those stairs, which was fine because every time I went near them I felt like something was watching me."


Dani nodded and motioned him to continue.

"Right so I opened this door and saw this glass case holding this wooden mask in it. I mean I have seen it before in another nightmare, and I looked to the right and saw this table with all these knifes on it. I backed up and turned around and saw this star on the ground but it looked like it was drawn with blood."

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