Need Space

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As Red and Green was walking towards the football field , Green waved at the two coaches.

"Hello Coach Zinc how was your summer?" Green kindly asked.

"It was great. Yours?"


"Oh yes I heard Stevenson got stabbed. Now his mother is in the hospital. Please tell me he is actually doing alright." The coach begged.

"Yes he is I promise." Green reassured the older man.

Coach Zinc nodded.

"Oh! Green this is Coach Iron, he will be taking over next year."

"Wait. Next year!?" Iron exclaimed.

"Yes I have decided to finish this year before retiring."

"That's awesome coach!" Red yelled.

Green nodded and turned to wave at the other players.

"Well nice meeting you Green. Zinc always tells me that you are good for the team. So please prove to me that you are." Iron threatened him.

Green rolled his eyes and told them that he was going to talk to the other players.

"Hey Green!" Watson waved.

Green waved back and let Red introduce him to the grade 11's. They all nodded and waited for Red to tell them what to do.

"Alright drill or run?" Red asked.

"Run!" They all said at the same time.

"Be good out there." Green teased Red. "Wouldn't want one of them to show you up."

Everyone laughed and started running as Green sat down beside Zinc.

"So you just show up and make jokes?" Iron questioned.

" A little bit. I mostly just help them and make plans for future games." Green explained.

"Yep Oak here is actually pretty smart about game plans here. Plus he makes sure Stevenson doesn't do something stupid out there." Zinc replied.

Iron nodded and wisely stayed quiet knowing he would not win this battle. Green waved at the boys as they jogged by and giggled as some of them tried to outrun each other.

Zinc rolled his eyes and started to talk to Green about future game plans when Red called break and started drill. Zinc looked at Green feeling a little worried when he saw Green grimace and clutch at his stomach.

"You alright Oak?" Zinc asked.

"Oh yes I am fine." Green waved it off. "Just a little sick."

Zinc nodded and kept an eye on Green throughout the entire practice. In two hours he watched as Green get more sleepy and grimaced a couple more times in pain.

When Red declared that practice was over, the coach called him over.

"Keep an eye on Green will ya? I saw him clutch at his stomach a couple times throughout practice."

Red looked over at Green. "I have noticed and he just shrugs it off like it's nothing."

"Don't let him get away with that alright?" Zinc scolded Red.

Red nodded and walked over to Green. ""C'mon let's go home."

Green nodded and followed Red towards the school. As they got into the change room, Red grabbed Green's waist and pulled him closer to him.

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