Mornings are rough

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The alarm went off and Red wake up instantly. He yawned and sat up wondering if he could get Green into the shower before school and cook breakfast in time.

He turned and saw Green still sleeping an hasn't even stirred at the loud alarm. He put his arm around Green's waist.

"Green come on sweetheart it's time to wake up." Red said as he squeeze his arm around Green's waist.

Green mumbled something and fell back to sleep.

"My little stabber wake up." Red said a bit louder.

Green didn't even move.

"GREEN WAKE UP!!!!!!" Red screamed.

Green sat up and was looking around. "What! What who where?"

"Morning." Red said.

Green looked over at the clock.

"RED! It's FOUR in the fucking MORNING!" Green yelled.

"Yes but we didn't eat last night and we need a shower." Red said in a calm voice.

"Oh." Green said as he yawned.

"C'mon let's go."

"What where? Can I have ten more minutes?" Green whined.

"No you cannot and we are going to take a shower." Red said as he stood up and walking towards the dresser to get some clean clothes.

"Ew please say you showered before you came home." Green said.

"Yes I did and you really weren't complaining."

"Good point I suppose." Green said as he slowly moved to get out of the nice, warm, fluffy bed.

"If you are not in the bathroom in the next three minutes you are walking to school."

"You won't do that! You love me to much. You will just worry about my safety!" Green yelled as Red left the bedroom.

Green groaned as he left the bed and grabbed his school clothes. He walked into the bathroom and yawned.

"Green you there?"

"No I'm just your coach." Green snapped.

"Oh harhar I am lonely in here." Red said.


"Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed."

Green rolled his eyes as he opened the shower door and climbed inside.

"I'm sorry I am so moody." Green apologized as he hugged Red from behind.

Red turned around and developed Green into a hug. He ran a hand down Green's bare back.

"Hey it's ok. Your tired and want to go back to sleep." Red soothed.

Green yawned and stepped out of Red's awesome hug (Red gives the best hug ever) as he stepped into the hot water. Green sighed and rolled his head to get the kinks out of his neck.

Green eyes flew open, (When did they close?) when he felt Red's hands run through his hair. Red shushed him and kissed his shoulder while running the shampoo through his boyfriend's light fawn coloured hair.

Green yawned and rested his head on Red's shoulder while Red wrapped his arms around his waist. Greens eyes slipped closed.

"I love you, you know that right?" Red whispered.

Green hummed and nodded and lifted his head, washing the shampoo out of his hair. When Green was done he turned around and gave Red a quick peck on the lips.

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