Ummmm What!?

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Red walked up to his bedroom door giving it a knock before he slipped inside. He saw Green laying on the bed, curled up underneath the black and blue quilt. Red gave out a sigh and took off his uniform pants and his shirt plus tie.

He walked to his dresser and opened his drawer to pull out a pair of dark gray sweatpants. He slipped them on and gave a stretch and yawned. He walked towards the bed and sat down.

He loved Green so much, he really did, he wanted to propose to him right after they graduate from high school. But he had to wait till he figures out what he wanted to do after school and wait till Green wants to do in the future.

Red ran a hand through his raven thick hair as he yawned. That talk he had with his mother was tense. He really hoped it wasn't what she thought it was because then it would just screw up whatever plans Green wanted to do in the future.

If Green really did have a kid just before they graduated no one and no school would want to take him in. Then he would be stuck, Green of all people do not deserve that.

Red pulled the quilt back and laid down beside Green hoping he wouldn't wake him up. Red pulled the quilt over himself and slipped his one arm around the smaller males thin waist.

He smiled and chuckled a little bit when he felt Green jump at the contact in his sleep. He always did that when Red even just placed a hand on his back. Just jump. It would make Red laugh every time.

Red wasn't tired so he was just happy with holding Green and just think for a little while. He hadn't had a nightmare in a while, which he was glad about but it also worried him. Why was the satanic symbols on the mask? His mother was telling him all about his father. He only saw his father once when he walked out on them.

He remembered how his father was saying how it didn't go to plan, that his mother just got in the way. That Red had so much to learn about himself. After that all contact was just lost. He didn't hear from his father ever again after that.

He always thought that maybe his father walked out because of him. That he was just a disappointment to him and that he never showed his father that he was good enough. Hell that was why Red was such an attention seeker.

He joined football to become popular. He knew he would be prom king. Now if only Green could be his prom queen. Red was surprised that the entire school took the news of his and Green's relationship well and didn't make a big deal out of it.

Most schools wouldn't be. The captain of the sport's team being gay? And being in a relationship with a tiny scrawny green eyed boy who moved here from Kalos? Another school would make a big deal saying how no that would just break the code.

Hell if it was another school he should be dating Platinum Lopez the cheerleader captain and the rich popular pretty girl. Honestly he hated her with a passion. She used to be a sweet girl but when her parents won the lottery and got money earning jobs she became a rich snob. Always looking down at everyone else for the way they act.

Her reaction was priceless when she found out. Wasn't as good as Yellows but it was still pretty funny. She was speechless and couldn't move. Her cheerleaders gave him a glare and had to fix her from the piece of news he gave her. Yep the rich cheerleader girl is never dating the football quarterback and pretty much new coach.

Yellow was just bad news and he was glad to never deal with her again. After stabbing him three times and him going to the hospital it was just drama. He was glad that she was gone for good and to never been heard from again. Thank god.

Red lifted his head and sat up when he heard his mother walk into the house. Red looked down and saw the three scars that Yellow left. He hated them but every time him and Green got intimate Green always loved to trace them or purr about how sexy they were.

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