At the Hospital

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Scorpius paced the hallway in St. Mungo's. His parents and his wife's parents could have killed Lily.

"Mr. Malfoy?" A Healer called.

"That's me!" He turned to the short woman who had called his name. "How is she?"

"Lily is fine. She will recover, we expect her to wake up in a few hours." The nurse said calmly. Too calmly.

"The baby?" Scorpius asked hesitantly.

"Due to the stress on your wife's body and the force from the spells that hit her, the child did not make it. I'm sorry. I can show you to your wife's room."

Mutely Scorpius followed the woman. When the door open into the small hospital room, he breathed a small sigh of relief. His fiery red haired wife lay on the bed, her chest rose and fell in a steady rhythm.


A few hours later Lily woke up, at first she didn't know where she was but when she saw her husband holding her hand.

"Scor." She croaked out.

Scorpius' head shot up like a rocket. "Lily!" He reached up and placed his hand on her cheek.

"The baby?" She whispered.

Sadly he shook his head and moved to sit next to her on the bed. quietly the two cried and mourned for their lost child. They didn't get long, after a few minutes, their parents burst through the door.

"Scorpius get away from that wretch." Draco Malfoy said in a dangerously calm voice.

"She is my wife. And she will stay that." Scorpius stood up, gripping Lily's hand.

And all of the sudden the couple vanished. Scorpius had both his and Lily's wands, so he apparated them to the ministry and got them an emergency port key home.

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