A change in Lily Luna

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Lily Luna found that she enjoyed school. It was easy. She never had to study because she had already read the books her brothers had used. She had ordered all the standard book of spells books she could, which was all of them. She was a prodigy, there was no other word for it. She was on top of all of her classes without even trying, she could sing and play 14 instruments, she was a beater but wasn't allowed on the team yet. Lily longed to be noticed. After the first couple of weeks of school the uproar of her being in Slytherin died down and she became a silly little first year. She began to spend her time in the kitchen or library alone. She enjoyed the peace and quiet but she still wanted friends.

It was the middle of Christmas break when Lily did what she had wanted to do for forever. On Christmas eve she went to Professor McGonagal's office. Knocking thrice on the door a curt "Come in." Was heard.

Lily walked into the room meekly and stood in front of the Headmistress's desk.

"What can I do for you, Miss Potter?"

"As you know I am on the top of my classes. I never study yet I always get perfect O's. I'd like to test out of my year level and see how far ahead I can get. I've read all the books I would need to have read for each year (all seven) and have everything memorized. I have nothing else to do. I can't join the Quidditch team yet so I'd like something to do." Lily took a breath after reciting her piece.

"Are you sure that's what you'd like to do Miss Potter." Lily nodded, "Very well, meet me at the Transfiguration room on Boxing Day, 9 o'clock sharp. I'll give you a couple of tests that combine all the years since thats what you think you can do."

"Thank you Professor!" Lily beamed. She ran off to the dungeon and collapsed on her bed excited about her chance of getting to shine.


It was 5:47 am when Lily woke up on December 26 too excited to sleep anymore. She quickly showered and got into her uniform. She grabbed her favorite book and slumped onto the couch in the common room. The green light shone down on her as she read Advanced Potions for the NEWT Student. She read until 7 o'clock then went upstairs for breakfast. She found that she was the second student eating breakfast that day. Lily shrugged, the others were probably sleeping in, again.

Grabbing some toast and some pumpkin juice she sat down and began to look over some of her fifth year books before her big test.

"Oi! Potter! Why you sitting alone? I don't bite you know."

Lily looked up and saw that it was a third year Ravenclaw that had helped her once with getting a book off a high shelf.

"I'm studying. Prof. McGonagall is letting me take a test that could really impact my life."

"But you're a first year." He said coming over the the Slytherin table, "Let me help."

He snatched her book and said, "What skin is added to Polyjuice potion?"

"Please is this is like asking me what the first letter of the alphabet is. Boomslang skin."

"Very good!" He kept quizzing her until 8:45 she she said,

"I have to go. Thank you for helping me, Ray."

"Good luck, when you get the results let me know!" He called to her retreating form.

"I will!" She called over her shoulder running off to the the classroom.


It was New Year's Eve when Lily was called to the Headmistress's office.

"Miss Potter please take a seat." McGonagall motioned to the chair across from her.

Lily noticed that every professor who worked at Hogwarts was there.

"Miss Potter, we all graded your test because I was sure I had gotten something wrong when I graded but apparently I hadn't. You got a perfect O on the test. You could graduate this year, however, we would like you to stay and take some electives and you will also receive some wizarding college work."

"Oh my Godric." Lily stared at the test booklet in front of her, "A perfect O. I can't believe it."

"If you'd like we can hold off the Wizarding college work until you are in your seventh year. and you can help teach some classes. The other professors have already agreed to letting you do it." McGonagall stated.

"When do I start?" Lily exclaimed.

"After a meeting with your parents. We are legally obligated to tell them. They'll be here any minute"

As if on cue the fireplace turned green and two adult figures stepped out. All of the other professors left them room.

"Hi Mum, hi Dad." Lily said quietly.

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