Pushed over the edge

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Lily leaned on Scorpius's shoulder on her 17 birthday in Hogsmeade, it was then when all hell broke loose.

"Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy! You had better have a good reason for letting that girl throw herself all over you!" Draco Malfoy had walked into the ThreeBroomsticks.

"Father!" Scorpius exclaimed jumping up from the table.

Lily looked at her boyfriend, "I thought you told him?"

"I told Mother, she said she'd tell him since he was out of the country at the time." He explained.

"Who is she?" Malfoy Sr. demanded.

"Father this is my girlfriend. Lily Luna." Scorpius pulled Lily up next to him.

"Pleased to meet you Mr. Malfoy."

"Get away from my son." He growled.

"Oi Malfoy! Get away from my daughter!" Mr Potter walked into the bar which had suddenly emptied.

In a split second the adults were at each other's throats.

"Scor, we need to get out of here." Lily whispered. He nodded and slid his wand from his pocket and grabbed her hand. Together they apperatted out of the pub.

They landed somewhere in London when Lily suddenly broke down crying. She clung to her boyfriend and cried into his shirt.

"Why can't anything ever go right with my family?" She asked.

"I don't know, love." He kissed the top go her head.

"Scor, I want to leave. I want to get out of England and away from my family. I can write to McGonagall and tell her that I am choosing to graduate. I've already completed my course work for this year and can leave Hogwarts. You don't have to come unless you want to." Lily said slowly, not looking at him.

"Where do you want to go?"

"America. I've done research on the magical government and community there."

"When do we leave?"


"When do we leave?" He repeated, "My family has been the worst thing to ever happen to me while you've been the best. Where you go, I go. On one condition."

"What is it?" She asked suddenly worried.

"You marry me within a year of us being there." He smirked at her shocked expression.

"I think I can agree to those terms." She smirked back after getting over her shock.

Line Break (fast forward 2 months)

Lily stood at the door of the Marriage Department in America wearing a simple white sundress. It was her wedding day. At long last she'd be marrying the man of her dreams. Opening the door she walked in and spotted the platinum blond hair that revealed her fiancee's position.

"Lil, there you are." He smiled when he saw her, "You look beautiful."

Blushing she thanked him then stepped up to the counter where they would be signing a legal document that would pronounce them husband and wife.

Line break (James's POV)

My family walked into the Three Broomsticks and saw the original Ferret growling at Lily. Though we didn't really like Lily, Malfoy probably like her even less. Dad told him to get away from her and thank Godric he did. But then the fighting began. The only thing that made us stop was noticing that Scorpius Bleeding Malfoy had disappeared with Lily.

"Look what you've done Potter/Malfoy!" The two men shouted, "You've made me loose my only daughter/son!"

"Both of you shut up!" A girl who we hadn't noticed before shouted, "You guys have been pushing your children away since Lily started school. It's no wonder they disappeared! Lily is like my sister, the fact that you made her leave is something that the Slytherins will never forgive. Since her first day she was called the Slytherin Princess. Yeah, we could have treated them both better in school but that still doesn't mean we don't care for them. You guy need to do what we Slytherins have finally done. Get rid of our pride and accept people for who they are. Did your sons even know that their sister had completed every single subject the school has to offer? Do you know that Scorpius has been looking to become a potioneer? No, of course not." She finished her little speech and walked out of the pub.

I didn't know what to say.

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