After the vows

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Scorpius and Lily were staying close to the exit in case they had to make a break for it. But Lily was glad to see her friend and brother so happy.

A blonde woman approached the two Malfoys, "Hello Lily, hello Scorpius."

"Aunt Luna!" Lily whisper yelled, "How did you know?"

"Your expressions. Lovely to see you again. We've missed you."

"Please don't give us away." Scorpius pleaded.

"Oh of course I won't. They miss you terribly, but it is your choice when to officially come back home. Watch out for naragles." She drifted away.

"That wasn't nerve wracking at all." Scorpius whispered in her ear.

"Oh crap, Scor, my father is approaching." Lily turned towards her husband.

"Hello, sorry if she came off a strange to you. She's always like that, she is pretty harmless, most of the time."

"Thats ok sir. Don't worry about it." Scorpius replied, doing his best to not quiver.

"I don't think I know you. Are you friends of the bride's?" Harry asked.

"Yes. We knew her back in school. We've already paid our respects to the couple, we really must go. Our little one will drive his grandmother crazy if we don't pick him up soon." Lily said using a false voice.

"Can't stay a little longer?" Harry said.

"Afraid not." Scorpius led Lily away quickly. Neither had noticed Harry's wand in his hand.


"Oh my word, Scor, we have to go home now. We have to. We were so close to being caught."

"Lil, relax sweetheart. Our portkey leaves in two days. I think we can survive that."

"What if we don't? What then?" She rubbed her temples.

"We will." He kissed her forehead.


"Harry dear, are you sure?" Mrs. Weasley said.

"Positive. First Luna went up to them and spoke with them, and she was able to spot me through polyjuice potion. I have no doubt she was talking to them. Then I went and talked to them. They immediately got nervous. Lily is home. And I put a tracking spell on them."

"What are we waiting for? Go get our baby girl back and bring her home." Mrs. Weasley said happily.

"We have to tell the Malfoys first. We promised." Ginny spoke up.

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