Pranks with the family

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"We have the Holyhead Harpies in possession!" Victoire yelled out. When Grandmother Weasley had seen all of her grandkids coming to play she'd informed the family that wasn't at the hospital waiting for the new baby. Soon the girls had their Uncle Bill coaching them and the boys had their Uncle Ron.

Lily pelted a bludger at her older brother and it distracted him just enough so that he dropped the quafle.

"Time out! The Chudley Cannons have called a time out." The one eight veela announced. Lily and her teammates landed next to their uncle.

"Ok, their in the lead, Lucy you have to get that snitch. Lily, Roxane, take out James and hopefully Albus. Molly, Dominique, Rose you're loose on your formations. Try to stay tighter." Uncle Bill looked at the six girls.

"It would help if we had a keeper." Rose grumbled.

"Vicky doesn't play. There were only seven girl cousins born." Uncle bill looked over to the boys.

James, Louis, and Hugo were chasers, Albus was a keeper. Fred and his Dad were beaters. Uncle Charlie was playing seeker.

"It's not fair that they get adults." Molly muttered.

"Uncle Bill, Lucy, Roxane, Rose, Domi, and I have a plan." Lily said. She winked at her cousins.

"Care to explain?" He asked.

"You'll see in just a bit Dad." Domi grinned at her dad.

"Players, please make your way back onto the field. Wait! Look! Angelina Weasley makes her way over to the Holyhead Harpies. It looks as if she's gonna play!" Vicky cried.

She was right. Aunt Angie was kicking Rose to guard the goals. Not that Rose minded. She could switch from chaser to keeper so smoothly that it was barely noticed. They made their way to the field.

"Follow my lead." Lily whispered to her fellow Metamorphagi. They nodded and took off. Lily hoisted her bat and struck a bludger going for her Aunt.

Lily pretended to chase a rogue bludger out of the field. While she was out of her family's sight she changed her appearance to look like her Aunt Angelina. She made her way back on the field and one by one there were six Angelinas in the air.

"Would you take a look at the Holyhead Harpies! Six of the seven look like Auntie Angelina!" Victoire screamed. This confused the boys long enough so Lily and Roxane could take out their Albus and James.

Suddenly the girls changed back to normal and the game continued. They kept changing appearance and confusing people. But in the end they won. Just as they finished a silvery stag galloped into the clearing.

"Minerva Molly Potter has arrived safe and sound. 6 pounds 4 ounces." Mr. Potter's voice spoke from it.

"I have a sister!" Lily squealed.

"Oh no." James and Albus said groaning.

The overly large family moved itself into the house and prepared a feast for the next day seeing as the Potters and the newest one would be coming home then.

"What is with Harry and Ginny alliterating their daughters' names?" Uncle Ron asked stealing a cookie.

Grandmother Weasley wasn't in the kitchen. She'd gone to buy some food. Lily knew her Uncle Ron didn't know that.

"I'll be right back Uncle Ron." Lily left the room and went into her grandparents room. Finding a dress of her grandmother's she put it on over her robes. She then changed her appearance to look like her grandmother. She slipped back into the kitchen just in time to see Uncle Ron stealing more cookies.

"RONALD WEASLEY! GET OUT IF MY KITCHEN. WAIT UNTIL TOMORROW!!" Lily yelled in a fantastic impersonation of Grandmother Weasley. Lily's Uncle Ron turned beet red and scampered from the kitchen. She followed him into the sitting room and found the family roaring with laughter.

"Mum! Not funny! I'm a grown man, I shouldn't be getting scolded by my mother anymore." Uncle Ron said.

"Then stay out of my kitchen." Lily put her hands on her hips.

"Ahem." A voice from behind said.

Lily tensed and turned around. She found herself staring into the face of her grandmother.

The family started laughing again. And even harder. Lily transformed back into herself and slipped off the over sized robes of her grandmother's.

"Lily Luna Potter!" Uncle Ron roared in anger. He jumped up and began to chase her. Suddenly she grew as tall as Hagrid. Ron scurried away.

"Lily, you ARE coming to work for me this summer. You start tomorrow." Uncle George laughed.

"Oh no she's not George." Mr. Potter stepped out of the floo. There was another whoosh and Mrs, Potter appeared holding a tiny pink bundle.

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