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Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy walked with their wives into the hotel that they believed their children were staying at. They got the room number from the wizard at the front desk and were soon on their way up to the room.

"In all honesty Potter, I don't want my son married to your daughter." Malfoy said.

"Same to you." Harry growled.

"Harry, James just married an ex slytherin. Remember? What's the difference between Lola and Scorpius?" Ginny warned.

"You were never enemies with Lola's family." Astoria held her nose up. Ginny shrugged.

"This is it. Before we go in, we need to have a game plan." Malfoy said.

"There's an old spell that a father can use to make his daughter's marriage void. If they eloped." Harry said, "I can use that spell."

"That spell is only possible if they haven't bonded their magic together." Ginny replied.

"Does it work even if the marriage is consummated?" Astoria asked.

"I believe so." Harry nodded then knocked on the door.

Change POV

Scorpius raised his head when he heard the knock. Lily got up and opened the door.

"Oh my gods." She whispered.

"Lil, love? Who is is?" Scorpius got up from his chair and made his way to his wife grabbing his wand on the way.

"Hello Lily, may we come in?" A deep male voice asked from outside. When Lily didn't move or say anything that they could see the man pushed through with three companions. But Scorpius was proud of what his wife did. She had used her metamorphagus abilities and hidden her pregnant belly.

Scorpius rushed to her side but was stopped by none other than Harry Potter, his father-in-law.

"You stay away from my daughter!" He yelled in my face.

"That is my wife. I can be near her if I choose!" Scorpius shot a full body bind at Harry and ran for Lily.

"Lily Luna Potter, you are so grounded when you get home." Ginny growled.

"Mum, I am a married full grown woman. You can't ground me. I don't even live in England anymore." Lily stepped in front of her husband while talking to her mother. A red bolt of light flew at the red head.

The stunning spell shot by Draco Malfoy hit Lily in the stomach and she dropped like a sack of rocks.

With Lily knocked out, she couldn't concentrate on her morphing. Everyone stopped fighting and arguing when they saw her belly swell up to show how pregnant she was.

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