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jimin didn't even want to be at this stupid party, but leave it to hoseok to convince him to come. and by convince it meant hoseok almost quite literally dragging jimin to the party. jimin has never been a social person, sure he had his moments but most of the time he liked to stay within his small group of three other people. just him, seokjin, namjoon and of course hoseok. other than that he never really cares for other people's company. he had all the friends he really needed.

sometimes he wishes he didn't have friends especially in moments like this. jimin is leaning against a wall watching people from his school dance and loudly sing along to the song playing through the speakers. lots of people are making out and grinding against eachother. making jimin feel uncomfortable.

he looks around and tries to find hoseok but the brown haired lad is no where to be seen. he sighs and takes a big gulp of his bottled water he found at the bottom of a cooler full of alcohol. jimin has only been drunk once, he barely remembers that night. after that he swore to never drink again.

so here he was, completely bored watching his school mates get pissed out of their mind and dry humping in the living room of yoongis house. jimin has only talked to the grumpy senior once, and it didn't end too well on jimins part. it's a moment that jimin never really wants to remember.

he pushes himself forward from the wall and begins to walk around the party to try and find hoseok again. he looks in every nook and cranny of the huge house but he gives up once he goes up the stairs to the second floor hoping to find an empty room so that he can be alone.

he walks in on a couple people starting to have sex. until he finally finds an empty room. he turns on the light and sees that there are sliding window door on the car left of the big room. the entirety of jimins dorm room could fit in this room. he walks over to the sliding door opening them to what he sees is a small balcony with a table and two chairs.

hanging in the railings are pots of red roses. he takes a deep breath not feeling suffocated anymore. he looks down and sees a couple people in the pool and a couple people laying knocked out on the grass. he leans forward resting his head on his hand and he looks around the backyard and up at the sky.

"hey," a gruff voice says all of a sudden. jimin jumps in fright and quickly turns around to see who the owner of the voice is. he nearly dies on the spot as he sees none other than jeon jungkook standing infront of him. jimin has had a crush on the younger lad since he started going to his high school.

jimin doesn't say anything just stares at jungkook as he pulls out a pack of cigarettes. "do you mind?" jungkook asks shaking the box in his hand. jimin merely shakes his head, giving jungkook the go to pull one out and place it between his lips.

"you know that's bad for you," jimin finds himself saying before he can really process.

"yeah i know but a lot of shits bad for me," jungkook shrugs lighting the cigarette and taking a puff of it. "so what are you doing out here?" jungkook asks taking a seat in one of the metal chairs.

"needed some fresh air and i'm not really a party person," jimin says then turns his head to look over the balcony again.

"then why did you come?" jungkook asks blowing out smoke.

"my friend hoseok made me come," jimim says then looks back over at jungkook who is still smoking his cigarette. "why are you out here?" jimin asks.

"just to smoke. and it kind of feels suffocating with all those people," jungkook says shrugging then putting out the cigarette on the table. he stands up, jimin watches him as he moves close to where he is standing.

"what's your name? i'm jungkook," jungkook asks as he looks over the railing then at jimin. jimin mimics his movements glancing at jungkook before he looks at the sky.

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