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"i honestly don't know what to do yoongi. i just can't get him out of my head," jungkook complains taking a drink of his beer and slouching deeper into the couch. he sighs in discontent then runs a hand through his hair.

"why don't you just date him then?" yoongi asks with a chuckle. he knows jungkook like likes jimin. he just doesn't get why jungkook doesn't pursue him. yoongi can see that he has jimin wrapped around his finger. with a snap of hids fingers he could make jimin his no problem.

"i can't," jungkook grumbles frustration imminent in his voice. he stands up picking up a new bottle of beer. he opens it and sits back down. "i'm not good enough for him," jungkook says, downing half of his beer in one go. wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

"jungkook that's all the more reason to be with him," yoongi says with a shrug.

"what do you mean?" jungkook says leaning forward resting his arms on his legs.

"you don't think you're good enough for him? so prove to yourself that you can be," yoongi says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"but what if i hurt him. i couldn't deal with hurting him," jungkook mumbles.

"is it really that hard for you to keep it in your pants?" yoongi says with a chuckle. he grabs jungkooks phone off the table typing in his password then going to his contacts. he scrolls down until he spots jimins name.

"it's not even that," jungkook says letting his head fall back not even noticing what yoongi is doing. yoongi presses call and immediately gets an answer. yoongi does a soft shh sound and jungkook continues to talk. "jimin is just so perfect. he's smart, pretty and kind. he doesn't even try. how do i of all people deserve him?" jungkook asks. looking over at yoongi who hurries and hangs up his phone.

"what are you doing with my phone?" jungkook asks raising an eyebrow.

"nothing," yoongi says getting up from his spot. he stretches and sets down his beer bottle. "well i have a 9 o'clock with a thick latina," yoongi says with a smirk. he grabs his car keys off of the table and waves goodbye to jungkook. "lock up when and if you leave," yoongi yells, then the front door slams shut. jungkook sighs then gets up. grabbing the keys to his motorcycle and leaving.

half way to his apartment and it starts sprinkling rain. so he goes quicker. by the time he gets home it's pouring rain. he parks his bike in his parking spot, he doesn't care if it gets soaking wet, he'll just drive his car tomorrow.

he walks up to his apartment. opening the door, just as taehyung is about to leave. "where are you going?" jungkook asks but he already knows that he is probably meeting up with jimin like he did just the weekend before.

"oh um hoseok and jin invited me to this party," taehyung explains awkwardly. jungkook just nods and moves to the side so taehyung can leave. he balls his fist tightly anywhere hoseok and jin are jimin is bound to be. jungkook walks to his room and strips out of his clothes except for his jeans. they aren't that wet so he figures he might as well not change them.

he sits on the couch and turns on his tv. he flips through the channels stopping on the cooking station as there isn't anything else on. he doesn't really pay attention, he feels pathetic. he closes his eyes, nearly falling asleep before he hears knocking on his front door. he knows it isn't tae unless he forgot his keys again.

he gets up not bothering to look through the peep hole. "did you forget your ke-... jimin?" jungkook shakes his head, jimin is drenched head to toe, water droplets falling onto his face from his hair. his clothes are so wet they are almost transparent. "come in," jungkook says once he notices that he is shivering. "why don't you have an umbrella? you could get sick," jungkook says going to his room and bringing back a towel that he wraps around jimin.

after a few minutes of silence jimin finally speaks. "did you mean what you said?" jimin asks looking over at jungkook who is leaning against the kitchen counter.

"what?" jungkook asks crossing his arms making his arms flex. jimin stares for a second too long making jungkook smirk and a blush appear on jimins face.

"what you said over the phone. i'm pretty sure you butt dialed me but i heard everything," jimin elaborates, not mentioning the 'shh' he heard.

jungkook looks at him confused until he remembers that yoongi had his phone. "that bastard," he mumbles.


"nothing," jungkook says shaking his head. "what did you hear?"


jimin texts hoseok that he's gonna attend the party. he might as well, he wants to get closer to tae, especially now that he knows jungkook definitely doesn't want him in that way. but he kind of knows that tae does.

tae isn't a rebound. jimin just really like him, even before him and jungkook had a fall out. he hears his phone ringing, he sees jungkooks name and automatically answers. "hello?" jimin says then hears a 'shh'. so he does, he just listens.

"jimin is just so perfect. he's smart, pretty and kind. he doesn't even try. how do i of all people deserve him?" jimin pulls the phone away from his ear and looks at the phone. is that really jungkook? "what are you-" he hears then  jungkooks phone hangs up.

after a good 30 minutes of contemplation jimin starts to walk over to jungkooks apartment. it starts pouring but jimin doesn't care. he just needs to see jungkook.


"everything you said about me," jimin says standing up from the chair he was sitting on. jungkook stands up straight looking down at the shorter lad. "did you mean it?" jimin questions again.

jungkook merely nods, looking down at the ground, somehow momentarily feeling like the smaller one in the situation. "kookie look at me," jimin says reaching his hand up and gripping his chin. "you're more than perfect for me in every sense of the word," jimin says.

"jimin i'm sorry this took me this long to tell you," jungkook says. jimins smiles at him tears welling in his eyes.

"it's okay," jimin mumbles, standing on his tip toes, closing his eyes and going in for a kiss. jungkook turns his head last minute. jimin backs away, hurt evident in his eyes. "you kissed me in front of tae but you can't kiss me now?" jimin asks backing away.

"you know how i feel but i can't do a relationship, i can't trust myself," jungkook mumbles.

"i should go," jimin says taking the towel off of his shoulders and letting it drop to the floor.

"no don't," jungkook rushes out trying to stop jimin from going.

"is this just a fun game to you? playing with me? making me have false hope?" jimin asks anger evident in his voice.

"n-no," jungkook stutters out.

"jungkook i know you have trust issues. i know you put yourself down all the time. but when you're ready ill be waiting for you," jimin says, then walks out the front door, leaving jungkook just how he started. alone.



so originally this was gonna be a semi good ending but ya'know im messy sooooo

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