Chapter 16

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Betty's Pov:

It was the day. I walked into that bar with my head up high with Jughead's arm around me. We walk over to FP passing everyone in the way. "Jughead, Betty, what are you two doing here?" I smile at FP and say to him I would like to become a serpent. FP was in shock that this was my decision. "Betty, if you don't mind. Is it okay if I talk to Jughead alone for a second?" FP whispers. I say it's alright and let them go off into the corner of the room. The conversation gets a little deeper and a little intense. Jughead comes back over and asks me to talk to him. We walk upstairs and talk about how I will become a serpent. "I HAVE TO DO WHAT!" I yell. "Shush. Yes you have to do a serpent dance. I hate the fucking idea so much specially because Sweet Pea will be their and other guys" Jughead says with a groan. "Naw you jealous Jug?" I say punching his arm lightly. We have a deep conversation about the serpent dance and if I should do it or not until we finally make our decision.

Jughead's Pov:

"Introducing the one the only... Betty Cooper'' Tall boy called on the mic. I froze up as all the guys started to whistle and cheer. And there she is walking up on stage looking beautiful as normal. She starts singing mad world and slowly stripping her clothes off to reveal her skin and lacy bra and underwear. She danced around the pole and my heart started to break. I didn't think this through properly. She dances in front of guys and I'm feeling jealous and worried. As worried as I was I could just see Sweet Pea in the corner of my eye checking out Betty. And I didn't like it one bit but I couldn't do anything about it because I couldn't start drama. After the dance was done my dad walked up on stage and gave Betty her new and own serpent jacket. The guy cheered and some boys and Sweet Pea kept checking her out. So I had to show all of them she was with me. I ran up on stage, grabbed Betty and kissed her passionately in front of everyone. I pulled away and grabbed her jacket and put it on her and then kissed her forehead. "Oh by the way that my son's girlfriend" my dad says all I can do is smile and take her upstairs so she can get changed and chat for a bit and make out of course. We went upstairs and as soon as we walked in Betty jumped on me and gave me a bunch of kisses and hugged me tight. "Oh my god Juggie I'm a serpent!" Betty says jumping up and down. I hug her and kiss her until the door slams open.

Sparks Fly (Bughead)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें