Chapter 9

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Betty's Pov:

"Nice to meet you Sweet Pea" I say uncomfortably as I look up at Jughead to tell him I'm uncomfortable. Jughead looked back at me as we were communicating with our eyes and understood what I meant. "So Jughead, hows Toni?" Sweet Pea says well Curling his lips into a smile. "Well she's still crazy." There was no mention of me saying that I was Jughead's girlfriend but I guess it was because Toni said the serpents wouldn't like it. "So Betty, are you gonna become a serpent yourself" out of the blue Sweet Pea says in the middle of his and Jug's conversation. "Uh, I don't know. Toni said there could only be one girl teen serpent so I told her I would fight for her spot." Sweet Pea smiles and faces me moving Jug out the way "well isn't that an honour, having a pretty blonde girl like you with the serpents'' Sweet Pea winks then moves back out of the way for Jughead. I started to freak out. Sweet Pea flirted with me and it was every uncomfortable flirting as well. I could tell it was only satisfying him, not me. I freaked out and decided to leave the room. I walked out and went into Jughead's bedroom where they sat in the living room. As I sat on the bed thinking about what was going on I got a next from Toni. "Hey it's Toni, just wanted to tell you that there's not gonna be a fight for the serpents girl anymore but there is something you must do to take my place that no girl has ever done for Jughead." My heart started to beat faster and faster. I didn't know if i should reply. But I did and as soon as I did my heart broke into one million peace's. "Break up with Jughead or Make out with Sweet Pea"

Jughead's Pov:

I yelled out to Betty telling her I was going to the serpent bar with Sweet Pea manly because he kept flirting with my Juliet. So I went to The bar and Toni wasn't there which was a surprise because she's here 24/7. It's not like I wanted her here it's just if I know she's here she won't be making any trouble. After a drink Sweet Pea wanted to take me back to south side high we're I used to go to school. We walked around and remembered all the good memories and then it went weird. "You should come back," Sweet Pea knew the reason I decided to come to Riverdale High was to get away from my past and all the trouble I used to get into. "Nah, I'm Becoming a better student and I've got Betty you know like I can tell she's the one." Sweet Pea smirked and gave me a look "Your dating a north sider. What will the serpents think?" Shit I forgot I wasn't meant to tell anyone I started to tear up but I stopped myself before the tears came down my face. "Please man, don't tell the serpents I can't lose Betty..." he smiled at me and nodded his head. "Listen dude I can't promise anything let's just go back to the serpents bar and chill up at the seating area up stairs' ' I agreed with Sweet Pea and we went to the bar and went upstairs and there she was Toni. "Hey Juggie!" Toni gets up for a hug but I regret it. I sat down and Toni sat next to me With Sweet Pea across and then it just happened Toni winked at Sweet Pea he pulled out his phone Toni kissed me Sweet Pea took a photo of it. It happened so quickly I panicked and pushed Toni off of me and ran out. I ran to my Trailer I forgot all about the Photo when I got to mine I saw Betty standing at the front door crying with her phone in her hand. 

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