Chapter 2- Chance Encounter

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My head pounded against my skull as I was pulled from my sleep by a methodical ringing.

light flooded in around me, warming my frozen ears. For a moment, I forgot where I was, opening my eyes to a sky full of stars.

There it was again...that ringing.

God, I wish it would stop.

I turned to face the noise, glaring at my phone as it buzzed inches from my face. The ringing was like a war drum In my head, echoing through my senses.

"Damn alarm."

I slapped the stop button on my phone so hard I was afraid I'd crack the screen, before sliding out of my sleeping bag.

Although the ringing had stopped, my ears still echoed the sound, like a bad song you can't get out of your head.


My back aches from sleeping on the ground, the static of the sleeping bag clinging to my shirt as I struggled from its embrace.

A shiver ran up my bare legs and through my spine as I stood up, my back groaning in response.

Why is it so cold?

A gust of wind lapped around my ankles, sending goosebumps up my legs.

I froze in response.

I closed those doors last night. I know I did.

Oh, God.

I dove for the closest thing to me to use as a weapon, hitting my knee against the wooden floor and pulling my small, bedside lamp from its temporary home on the floor.

I eyed the lamp in my hands like a disappointing novel.

If someone broke in last night, I'm dead for sure.

With shaking knees, I walked towards my balcony doors. I was within a couple feet of the balcony when an especially ferocious gust of wind slapped at the balcony doors, forcing them onto the bedroom walls with a loud CLAP!

I didn't realize I'd made a sound until my mom yelled from downstairs.

"Is everything okay, honey?!"

Yeah mom, fine, just defending myself against a possible intruder with the tiny pink lamp you bought me for my 10th birthday.

"Give me just a minuet, mom!"

No need to worry her just yet.
Gathering the rest of my courage I jumped out onto the balcony, holding out my lamp like a sharpened sword.


I let out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding, clutching my chest as my heart raced.
Thank God. I couldn't handle an intruder right now.

I had school.

Just as I was turning to leave, movement down below out of the corner of my left eye caught my attention.

A man.

A lump formed in my throat as I took in his silhouette, tall and lanky. He was too far for me to make out a face, but it was a man, and he was watching me.

That much I knew.

I could feel it in my bones, like needles in my fingertips.

I was too afraid to look away, worried that when I looked back he'd be right here, standing beside me, ready to kill me.

I was exaggerating right?

It was just a friendly local, out for a walk...on private property...on the edge of a cliff.

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