Chapter 30

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Luke's POV

I sat in my study, it was not as grand as my father's or mother's but it was just the way I liked it. It was perfection in my eyes. A framed painting of my siblings and I, hung over the fireplace, books surrounding the fireplace on both sides. My desk right in front of the large windows. I shuffled in my seat feeling a presence watching me for a few seconds. I shuffled the papers and the person's feet tapped quickly away. "Kelsey," I called knowing it was her. She visibly cringed when she knew I had caught her.

I glimpsed up from my work and took off my glasses, rubbing my head. "Close the door." I pointed at the door and she closed it quietly. "Sit." I gestured to the chair in front of my desk. Kelsey glanced at it and then at me. She hesitated to sit but in the end, she did. I pushed my computer and work aside to look at her. "You've been avoiding me." I acknowledged and Kelsey looked away quickly. "Why?" Of course, I knew why. After I nearly brought her to tears in school by shouting at her, she ignored me.

Admittedly it hurt a lot because out of rage I hurt her but, then the selfish side of me said no, she hurt me by defending that asshole and I guess I was right in the sense that she was being a bit of a fucking-ugh. I can't even go on to comprehend or fathom why on earth she would defend him. I was her soulmate! And it hurt deeply to know that she would not defend me against him but, at the same time, I understand to some degree as he is her boyfriend.

"I haven't been ignoring you."

"Let's try this again." I clasped my hands together, "Why have you been ignoring me?"

"Luke, I haven't been ignoring you, but I have been avoiding you."

"It's the same thing." I sounded utterly exasperated and her usual crystal coloured eyes looked dull and dead. "I had no right to yell at you like that. I'm awfully sorry."

"I don't care." She crossed her arms like a child, "If you must know I did tell Kaden off and he is going to apologise to you and your sister."

"I don't care about his empty and insincere apologies." I clenched my jaw, "I care that you have been ignoring and avoiding me like the damn plague." I stared at her in irritation.

"Well, I can if I want. What I do doesn't concern you!"

"Of course it does!" I stood up, slamming my hands onto the wooden desk. I inhaled slowly, "Look I care about you and I care about your feelings. I don't care about a lot of people so when I do care about someone the things they do concern me."

Kelsey frowned deeply, "Stop."


"Stop looking at me with your soft loving gaze and making me melt. Stop it, Luke! I'm trying to be angry at you and you're making it incredibly difficult!"

I smiled softly, "I genuinely sorry."

"When did you get that painted?"

"Stop switching the topic princess, don't avoid your feelings like me."

"Lu, you upset me and that's all. He had no right to say that and I shouldn't have defended him."

I unclasped my hands and sat in silence for a few seconds. "When my brother was 6 months old," I answered her previous question. "Things weren't as hard the. Well, actually they were but not as hard as now." I clarified myself. "But that doesn't matter." I dismissed the matter as quickly as I brought it up. "It was hand painted when he was six months old and I wanted it hung over the fireplace."

"You owned this then?" She gestured to the study.

"Yes, I had asked for a private study for my birthday a few years before because I naively dreamt of being like my father. I was gifted this study from my grandmother, from my father's side."

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