Chapter 10

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Chapter may trigger some!

Luke's POV

I undid my watch as I got into the room. I heard a gasp from beside me. "Why are you gasping ma chérie?"

"It's huge." She stepped away from me. Kelsey's blue orbs scratched against every surface of my room in awe.

"I'm going to get changed." I muttered but, I don't think she heard. I walked into my closet and threw my current clothes into the wash basket and changed into sweatpants and a jumper. I stepped out feeling a cold gush of air sweep past causing me to shiver. I glanced around the room to find Kelsey looking at my book collection.

I cautiously strolled towards her without making a sound. I leaned over her shoulder, "Lolita?" I scanned the cover that was in perfect condition. Kelsey jumped hearing my voice, her shoulder knocking shading my chin. "Ouch." I rubbed my chin.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry." Kelsey quickly apologised, clasping the book in her hand tightly.

I shook my head with a smile, "Have you ever read Lolita?"

"Uh-no?" Kelsey sounded as if she was questioning herself which made me chuckle.

"It's about middle-aged literature professor who is obsessed with the 12-year-old Dolores Haze, with whom he becomes sexually involved after he becomes her stepfather. "Lolita" is his private nickname for Dolores." I briefed her on the book and then I saw her face twist in disgust. "It's a classic novel. A disgusting masterpiece as many critics may call it."

"But why? Why the hell would anyone write about a 12 year old girl like this?!"

"I don't particularly know." I spoke as Kelsey crossed her arms over her chest, the book still in her hand.

"I can't believe this-" I knew a rant was about to come so I quickly intervened.

"Kelsey, before you start blowing up about the book would you like to read it or not?"

Kelsey stopped and looked from the book to me, "I-uh want to read it." I raised a brow. I genuinely thought she would not want to read it-well that's what I got from her facial expressions. "You know to see how disgusting it is and report back to you about it and share an opinion on it together and uhm be more intellectual and then I can tell people I've read more classical books than them." Kelsey rambled on and I ended up chuckling at her nervous behaviour.

"Just keep the book in good condition baby."

Kelsey gasped, "of course I will. How dare you even say that to me! Why wouldn't I keep it in good condition? That is a basic rule of life! And if people can't do that then I don't really know why they're alive."

"Woah okay." My eyes widened and I grinned hearing her crazy rambling. Our perfect moment was cut when my door slammed open. I flinched, knowing only one person in this whole house would do that. I turned slowly to see Jaxon lounging on my bed with packets of sugary sweets in his hands. "Jaxon, did you really have to slam the door?" I looked at him in annoyance.

Jaxon looked apologetic, "sorry Bubba. I got excited and PLEASE DON'T SHOUT AT ME." Jaxon needed up yelling and I blinked a few times.

"There is no need to yell Jax." I shook my head and closed the door slowly, inspecting the walls as I did. "What makes you think I'll scold you?"

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